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interesting find when dredging


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Today I was shoveling a heap of garbage that was dredged from the canal in front of my sister house when I found a white dinner plate. It was a smal miracle that it was still in one piece because it was on the bottom of the heap. I cleaned it a little and when I looked on the bottom I saw this:




It is a luftwaffe plate made in 1942. I googled the name of the manufacturer and they are still in business. http://www.bauscher.de .


Today is a memorial day here in the Netherlands where we have one minute of silence for all the casualties of war. And tomorrow we celebrate our liberation from the germans in 1945. So you can imagine my suprise to see this plate turn up today.


I'm not sure what to do with this plate. It is to comon to donate to a museum. they must have made thousands.

I think I will sell it to a collector or something. Although I don't like the idea of this plate possibly going to a modern day nazi. (not that all collectors are nazi's).


What do you think? I could just keep it of course or are there collectors on this board.

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