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What did I blow up?

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Not too long ago, I was changing the battery in my hybrid 280zx at night, and I accidentally reversed the polarity when hooking up the cables to the terminals. Man, that was so stupid and careless of me, and it ruined so much. :oops: I melted a 2 ga. amp wire/fuse and now I’m stuck with two problems.


1) Unless I disconnect the battery after every time I turn it off, the battery will drain dead on me. I’ve used an ammeter to try and hunt down the drain by pulling fuses to see if the drain would stop, but no luck yet.


2) It blew a fuse between on a wire between the positive post and my Clifford Alarm system. Every time I try replacing the fuse, it blows immediately when I put the new fuse in there. I’ve even tried a slightly larger fuse and it still blew (I didn’t want to go too high because if the fuse didn’t blow then it’d probably damage the control unit.) I’m currently looking into the wiring of it, but again, no luck.


If you have any suggestions I would appreciate it – please forgive me for being such a dumbass :roll: Thanks in advance

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Use either a headlight or a turn signal buzzer between the battery post and the cable. This will allow you to either see or hear the current flow. Then start disconnecting stuff one at a time until the light goes off or the buzzer stops. If you tried removing the fuses already and that didn't stop the current then look at the alternator and anything elase that is wired without a fuse.

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First of all are you sure you have a draw? If you left it hooked up too long you could have damaged the battery. Put the Amp meter between the negative post and the negative cable(in series not parallel) and see what the draw is. For a none computerize vehicle it should be well below 50mA.


Oh and besure not to leave the Amp meter on too long because if you do have a extremly large draw(say 30A) you will either blow the fuse in your meter or melt it down! LOL :shock:


One more thing. If your alarm system is blowing fuses you probably melted a wire and it might be contacting the body somewhere. Unplug that and see if your draw goes away(if you have one for sure) That would be my guess at where your draw is.



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Guest Zachb55

i did the same thing on my 240Z, but luckily i dont have nearly as many electronics. Also, i already had a bunch of wiring issues and still do, except for i tracked my draw to the voltage regulator, the white wire that goes to it was pulling power for some reason... now i just need to figure out how to stop the overcharging... see my post for more on that and some pics so you know what im talkin about. good luck,



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  • 3 weeks later...

It would be hard to truly answer what items your blew without first knowing how Hybrid is your Hybrid.


Are you still running the factory charging system? What aftermarket components have you spliced into your charging system?


Are you still running all factory modules, relays, and fusible links?



(Yea,Still an Inliner)

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