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Cali guys... I might be moving there..

Guest ON3GO

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Guest ON3GO

Hey guys, Ive been doing alot of thinking and i might be going to a VW/Audi program in Cali. I'll be there for school for about 4 months and then i can get put in a dealership anywhere i want. But i was thinking instead of going back to florida right away i would stay in cali for abit, like untill my contract ends with the dealership.

I would be in Cuckamonda or whatever its called and spelled..

nice place? any Z guys there?

you near there Timmy Boy?? lol..

i would bring both my Z's there, blue to drive everyday, green to race.


so do you think its a good idea? is it a nice place to live? to work at?




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Rancho Cucamonga? IT's in the low desert, just below the grade heading up to the high desert....hot as hell out there.....about and hour east of the coast (with no traffic that is)....

I guess the saying is true.....the continent is tipped to the left and all the screwballs end up in CA!! :D:D

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Guest ON3GO

hahah very true i guess then huh!

how far away is that from you and the big cities Tim?

i hope its not to far away from the meets and everybody!



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Guest ON3GO

so about a hour away from you.... AWESOME lets keep it that way.

hehe but 4real when i get to that hell hole ill give ya a ride in my green z.... show ya what a Turbo L6 can do BOYYYY!

and maybe ya can help me swap a V8 in my blue Z... i gotta atleast try it once in my life time :D



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Guest bastaad525

Been out there before... I dont envy you if you go there.



Then again, I feel sorry for anyone who ends up in our state :twisted:

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Rancho Cucamonga is a nice built up commercial area now! You are right in the middle between LA and the Inland Empire. I go out there all the time, so we will finally meet! :-D You can also bring yourself down here for our monthly meets, boyyyyyyyyyyyy. If you end up over here, ill make the commute to meet you! 8)


Take the negative things people say about California and shove them in your back pocket. Im happy here, the only people who arent are the ones with no $ or just complain about everything and a half :D

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Guest bastaad525

First off, I didn't say Rancho was a bad place... It's very NEW now and that's good, I just wouldn't envy him for the heat out there... 100+ days and a lot of them. It's middle of the desert and it feels like it.



Secondly, I'm not exactly broke.... and that's not why I say CA sux. It's because 90% of the people here suck, and personally I dont like 100+ degree days which we get a lot of in the summer. But mostly, it's the people. I think most people that have lived here their whole lives just dont notice because they're used to it, but for people who have lived in other states/countries, or even visited... it becomes very apparent just how screwed most of the people here are. I think we were rated one of the top 3 most dangerous places to live in the USA, among I believe it was Manhattan and somewhere in Florida. Everyones rude, everyones in a rush, and everyone is on the edge here. Lived here most of my life, and can't wait to get out. All the screwballs DO end up here. Well I'll narrow down my field a bit... I'm speaking mostly of Los Angeles-and-the-surrounding-areas.... I know up north it gets nicer, both weather and people, and also down south, like San Diego south, is nice... I love going down there several times a year for 'mini-vacations'. Anyways one thing I'm going to guess about Rancho, if it's at all like Palmdale (another huge flat patch of desert that has lately been getting very built and very populated) you can get nice housing there for cheap (cheap relative to living in L.A.). In Palmdale I've seen new 3-4 bedroom houses going for as cheap as a 2 bedroom condo in L.A.

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Guest ON3GO

awesome sounds great.

if this does happen it wont happen for awhile.

i still have till december or so till im done then a month or 2 to get ready to move, then the move.. so it will be awhile if this happens but im glad if this does happen ill know some people and maybe some ppl can show me around.

hate to say this as im a guy, but i suck at directions and i cant find my way around my HOME TOWN! i just drive lol.



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hate to say this as im a guy' date=' but i suck at directions and i cant find my way around my HOME TOWN! i just drive lol.




Well, you should fit in well....80% of the drivers on the road out here drive around like they have their head up their..... :D:D:oops:

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i suck at directions and i cant find my way around my HOME TOWN! i just drive lol.


lol...........i'm with you on that mike..........i pass my exit lots of times especially when i'm on the freakin phone. ranco cucamonga is about 2 hrs away from me...........let us know ur final plan and we will hook for sure.



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Coming from a country boy in New Zealand..... I thought southern cal. was pretty cool. All those place you see in the movies and read about in mags. The traffic was an eye opener. I coudnt put up with it. Would have to get a gun and start shooting people. :D When you got out of the city a bit, the canyons and mountains were way cool. Good driving and not any interference from the law that I could see. Had to laugh a bit though. I rented a auto neon POS, and was blowning away big bikes in the twisties with my daughter in the back asleep. A few of these fellas need to learn a thing or two about corner speed. English did seem like a secound language at time but coming from Florida, I guess you might be used to that Mike.





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A few of my FAIRFIELD CA. observations...... Lived and worked in the CHICAGO,IL. area from 1966 to 1984. There's nothing like changing a tire with no gloves at -20 degrees and a wind chill of -100, speeding ticket for 2 miles over the limit on I-80 from the IL. ST. POLICE, and sleeping over night at work because all the roads were closed from 5 feet snow drifts and this was in the city. Although I know it's just stuff but searching for household goods and mementoes after a tornado went thru is not my idea of fun. I've lived in FAIRFIELD since 1984 and let's see..... a few hours from the ocean, NAPA VALLEY, LAKE TAHOE, S.F. BAY area, and great weather for just a few things that make me say "I'd never go back!" But then that's just my opinion!!! :D



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