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what the hell are those?

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i just bought a 81 turbo 280zx auto. the turbo is blown so i took it off 2 replace it. i have another turbo off a 83 i think and it has 2 90 deg plastic tubes comming off the center housing the turbo that i took off doesnt have these. what are they and where do i hook them up too? can i block them off? is it some kind off vent?

thanks :Matt

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Guest bastaad525

almost positive that's the coolant lines... and yeah if thats the case it'd be a turbo from a 300zx.


I dont know a whole lot for 100% certain about these, but have heard from others that these are a direct bolt in to the 280 zxt, and have heard of a couple guys running them, some have even incorporated the liquid cooling. I think I've also heard that depending on the year, some 300zx's came with the less desirable T25 turbo... dunno if those are still 'compatible' but I'd imagine the results would be faster spooling, less top end, less efficiency and less happy with higher boost.

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wow coolant lines?

the turbo looks exactly the same as the one i took off it just has those"coolant line's on them. it also has the oil line of course. can i run this turbo without hooking these up? or should i run some coolant too them?



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Guest De Schmaydee

...the z31 turbos had a watercooled center section....they used banjos to get the water there. i used the wc center section in my T3/T40B...if you have it ...i would use it...it increases the life of the turbo.... ...s



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so its a 50/50 if i do it i guess, ill take a good look at where i can bring the coolant from, i guess they have 2 flow the right way or it will just sit water in the center housing... hmmmm thanks for the replies guys



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Guest znow white

i had 81tzx that got stripped with a shot turbo. I also have another 82tzx engine that im using for parts which i took the turbo for my swap I thought it was watercooled because of those two nipples so i was asking a zedder friend the same thing i put them both together and they were for the waste gate and actuator i I thought it was water cooled duhhhh :oops: IM STILL NOT SURE I WILL TAKE A PIC RIGHT NOW!


EDIT: I got pics where can i upload for free and good bandwith?

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there for the waste gate? i have the same plastic tube's they bend down so that wouldnt make sence if it was for water? i wonder how it works for the waste gate? i guess ill just block them off since my old one doesnt have them.....



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Guest znow white

ok i think i confused you my bad

when you said centre housing I thought you said collector housing because there are 2 90 degree plastic tubes (mine were a lil broken and show a lil metal) those are vacuum lines to control the waste to open and shut for boost DONT clog those you will fry ur turbo or worse your engine. :evil:

in my gallery I will upload a pic of 2 oil cooled t3's next two each other the one attached to the manifold (left) has no waste gate or vac lines hooked up. the other one has the vac lines attached and a waste gate. but you cant see the other line its covered anyways it goes to a T and attaches to the waste gate.



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ok so ill hook water up 2 those lines then...? the turbine has a little play in it does that meen its on its way out? should i get it rebuild or will it last long enuf just 2 put it on for a little while? it has just a little play in it not allot but it should prob have none right?



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