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maker light hole dementions?


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Guest HolyLlama

I layed fiberglass over the back of marker light holes and then used NAPA Tec-Flow bondo over the front of it. Although, I could have welded it, I chose not to because I didn't want to risk warping the metal and I know more about fiberglass, than I do welding, prolly took a bit more work to get looking right, but I'm happy with the results.

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I would say the same thing man.. the metal is real thin and I bet it'd warp prety easy (if my lower quarters were any indication! :evil: ) from the welding heat. Maybe just a light tack weld on 4 corners/edges of a metal plate inbehind the panel, and a 'skif of bondo to smooth the out side. As for actuall measurments, how much overlap are you going to want? IMO a piece 4" X 2" would probly do it..

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I welded mine...it's really the only 'right' way to do it for long term.

Unfortunately mine are welded up, so i can't measure them for you. :D


I just cut out a rectangle just larger than the hole and welded it in.....

Just weld in very short bursts, in different areas, and you won't warp the metal.








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It is placed in from behind, so it is larger than the HOLE, so it overlaps the fenders sheetmetal. I just held it in place with my hand and tacked it in several places. Then, once it was tacked enough to hold it in place, I let go and finished slowly welding it. I used compressed air to cool it a little between welds...


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Guest Z-fried

I use a simple technique to hold small pieces of sheet metal in place to weld. Get a 6" piece of welding rod(metal coat hanger will work too) and tack it to the center of the piece you are adding. This will give you a handle to hold the piece in place until you can tack it to the car. Then cut off the rod and grind it clean. Works really well for small areas like door locks.


Make sure you only weld small amounts at a time and allow it to cool in between welds.



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I want to keep the marker lights. I just want to make them flush with the body. I'd like to cut a Z shaped hole in the center and put some sort of lenze and light behind it. I have access to a CNC controlled water jet cutter that can do some pretty amaising stuff. I figured if I could get some measurements I could cut out a whole stack at once. You could just tack them right in and minimise body work. If someone could even trace the opening and fax it to me that should do the trick. I also need the guage of the sheet metal. If I could pull it off would anyone be interested in a set?

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Guest 73TPIZ

I have a 260Z for parts and access to a fax machine. I'm working my 2 twelves (thurs/fri) now and won't be home in the daylight till Sat. I'll be glad to fax it then if you still need it along with emailing a couple of pics with a ruler over the hole just to be sure.

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