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My dumb *** arrested, HybridZ impounded...


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Well, it finally happened. The long arm of the law caught up with me and my 11 unpaid tickets. I got pulled over in the Z for running a red light, and got locked up. Sucks very much bad.


Before you start, I know it's my fault. I was irresponsible when I was younger, and now have to face the music. Plus, my Z definitley does not belong on any public street in the condition it's in now. Got popped for no license, registration, inspection, insurance, and driving on non-approved equipment (slicks). The worst part wasn't me spending a day and a half in county jail, but my Z had to spend 3 days in the impound lot. Very expensive weekend, to say the least.



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Bill, This is only a bad thing if you walk away thinking it was everyone elses fault but yours (My older Brother's favorite trick years ago! :roll: ). Take your licks, gather yourself back up and get the legal situation straightened out, and hopefully they will allow you to keep your license... Here's the sad part of it all... Think about all that money that won't go into your Z now... THAT SUX!


Take care and good luck... 8)


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The funny thing is, the cop was worried that I was gonna take off running after he pulled me over. I laughed and told him that if I was gonna run, I would have done it before I pulled over. He popped the hood on the Z right before the tow truck got there, and then apologized :) He said that's the only car he's ever seen that might have been able to outrun the radio.

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I'm confused, you said that you were irresponsible when you were younger getting those 11 tickets. How much time has passed since then and the time you were caught with no license, registration, inspection, insurance, and driving on non-approved equipment (slicks)? lol


I out ran two cop cars when I was 17 in my 67 Chevelle SS. It was a rush then, but I'd never do that again. Now that would be irresponsible.

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Well, the irresponsible part was not paying the tickets. Responsibility is not staying out of trouble, it's dealing with the consequences like an adult.


Besides, I had an excuse, I was on my way to the gas station to refill the tank after pulling it and to air up the tires :)


Still shouldn't have been on the road, though.



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