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Who I am and what I'm doing. Complete with pictures!


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It seems a lot of you guys on HybridZ know each other pretty well (first name basis) so I figured I should make myself known, seeing as I'm probably going to continue to spend a lot of time here.


Ok, so let me introduce myself. My name is Ricky Nye and I live in Columbia SC. I'm 17 and this is my 240Z. It's my second car (first being an '84 Fiero with aesthic mods) and I love Zs.



Mine was the blue one on the left.


When looking for my Z, I was really adament about finding a 240Z (ask Mike (ON3GO), he really tried getting me into 260s and 280s, but not for me) So I found this one is great shape locally (after 8 months of searching) and picked it up. Through Mike I met Mr. JSK himself, Juan. He's an awesome guy and he really cares about what he does. Check his stuff out at http://www.JSKinnovations.com


Before I get too far into it I want to thank Robert G., a friend of a my dads and one of the coolest guys I've ever met. He has an awesome 280Z awaiting his L28ET build (hes a member of HybridZ but I dont know his SN) and hes the reason Im into Zs.





So back to the Z. I bought the Z on March 30, 2004. When I bought the car it didn't run. It needed a new rocker arm and cam, and it looked like someone tried to fix it, but screwed up because there was a big chunk of cam lobe missing and a screwed up rocker arm.



This is the car sitting where I bought it.


Going on the flatbed.


Thanks Robert we put in a new cam and new rocker arms. Unfortunetly, this didn't solve the problem because guess what - There was a nasty bottom end knock. Oh well. My dad found an L28 N/A in the paper and so we went and picked it up. The guy said it had 68K miles and it came from a 280ZX.


Lately, I've really started getting my hands dirty. Once again, thanks to Robo (He knows EVERYTHING about Zs it seems and is really invaluable in helping me out) we took the engine and tranny out. This is how the car stands as of today.



Engineless and dirty.



Love the new ride height.


I started the cleaning process today, taking all the little stuff out and scrubbing with some degreaser and an assortment of tooth brushes, wire brush, water, etc etc... Not the most exciting job in the world, but got to get it ready for paint!


So yea, I know I've stirred the waters a bit around here, and I'm sure I will in the future as well, but don't take anything I say too seriously, cause its probably not worth your time. :)

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I knew I should have said something about that initially. It was glassed on by the previous owner. I hated it - really blocked my visibilty.

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Guest goldraven
It was glassed on by the previous owner. I hated it - really blocked my visibilty.


hehehe...sure it was =)


Good to meet you, and looks like its going to be a fun project.



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Guest ON3GO




glad to see your getting work done on the Z...

best of luck and let me know when you need help on somethings, and yeah... NO you cant have my wheels!



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Guest Looking for apt in Alb Ny

wow. I wish people posted l28 engines in the papers here. You guys in the southern states have no clue how good you have it :) Nice work thanks


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I'm a little confused by this post. At first I thought that the blue 280 was the Z that you found and I was about to congradulate you on a remarkable looking Z! In fact that is one of the nicest looking 280's I have ever seen. Got me thinking about painting mine back to the original color.


Then I saw the orange 240 and thought that you were going to say this is the before pics of the blue 280 so I smelled a fraud. But now I do not know what to think :bonk:


Who's magnificent blue 280 is that? Love how clean the engine bay is and the paint is out of this world!

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Yeah I just re read the post. Man that blue Z has me thinking about junking all the MSA fiberglass crap that I spent a fortune on in favor of the stock bumper look! It is just so clean, it looks brand new.


I think he would probably be interested in a trade because he doesn't like his bumpers (I don't either) :)

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Well My car finally made it to the "pages" of hybridz, and I am glad it did. Thanks Ricky for the photos, even that of my lic plate. Still more work to do. L28T on the engine stand wayting for a new home.


I would like to thank all of you here since you are the reason my car looks and runs the way it does. I have read hundreds of posts and imagined my car a million different ways and I can say with comfort that I am pleased with the progres. One of the coolest things was to lend my car to the local Nissan dealer for a promotion and see it on the show room floor and have people wanting to buy it.


I really don't know everything about z cars, hell!!! I didn't really think I was that cool of a guy, but coming from a 17 yr old; I'll take it. 90% of what I know about my z I learned it here. Again, Thank you all.


For the record I'm glad he sold that Fiero and got a real car. I offered him $100.00 to set it on fire and run it off a hill, big hood and all but he would not do it. Oh yeah, its not that I don't like the 77z bumpers. I just wish they werent so damn big and heavy.

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Thanks Ricky for the photos, even that of my lic plate.


Haha.. my bad. It's not like anyone would believe you drive fast or anything.


Glad you posted.... you need to more often cause you always have something to say when I see you.

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Guest Looking for apt in Alb Ny

well thats why we should own several z's one for tearing it up and not being worried about it so much and one stock.


I like the 75-76 bumpers. They arent as big as the later style that have spring rubber caps on the side. Id rather be in an accident with those bumpers. it will absorb the impact throughout. That Blue Z is sweet indeed . I love the paint. Seems to defy "it looks better in person"



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In person that 280Z really is amazing. Everything is perfect on it, and it really is like a brand new car.


It is my inspiration and what has got me to the point where Im worrying about what every sqaure inch of my engine bay looks like. Ah well, the end result certainly isnt disapointing. :)

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You know what. I just realized I am my worst critic. I always manage to find some little thing about my car that needs to be fixed, cleaned, replaced etc... and then I get down when I think of all that is left to do. It doesn't help that I have chiped the paint twice working on the car. :evil: Pisses me off when I do that. Have to keep reminding myself "it's just a car"


Thanks to this post I realized that indeed my z looks pretty good. When progress seems slow just take a second and look back at what you have accomplished. Works every time for me.


Thanks to all. You too Ricky

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Guest 73TPIZ

So where are you guys located in SC? If you're in the midstate area, you gotta start a club or something. As far as i know, there are only 2 i've heard of in SC. 1 Upstate and 1 Lowcountry. I'm in the Pee Dee area, so a Midstate i'd definetely join or come crash your get togethers (same thing, right?) :D . The others are too far away.


I know of a couple of people in Columbia that love their Z's.


Clubwise, SC sucks for reg Z clubs, much less any hybrid bastard children like me. :D


Z Dust........... :hail::hail::hail:


RCNSC........... :rockon::rockon:


Take Care, guys.

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