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Iranian War Drums?

Kevin Shasteen

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I was jumping around on the radio and came across a talk show (?), dont know who it was but they read from some middle eastern source that 1000 arabs are coming across the boarder into Iran every night in anticipation for the American/British "Peace" troops in search of terrorists.


Take it for what it is...just someone else's radio station reading from who knows what.


I guess the only question remaining to ask is if the American/British forces go into Iran before the US Presidential Election or after the Presidential Elections.


From all the talk about Syria and Iran...nothing would surprise me at this point.


IMHO, if the Northern Alliance does invade Iran then the rumors of the Draft we've all been hearing will come true.


The only difference this time w/the draft is it wont be for ages 18-24, rather it will be for ages from 18-35. Looks like the 100 Year War will be hitting its mark in a not to distant future. I'm sure the inlisted personal coming being pulled from Europe will be surprised when their new destination is Iran/Syria.


PS: Not trying to start another political thread...just thought the report of 1000 Arabs pouring into Iran every day was an interesting one: regardless of its source.



(Yea,Still an Inliner)

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I honestly would not worry about it. For all of it's rhetoric, Iran is actually one of the more stable countries of the region. They don't really have a WMD program as much as a uranium enrichment program. (Although obviously one could lead to the other.)


Have to wonder if we wouldn't be smart to offer free enrichment for power plant grade uranium to countries that can otherwise do it for themselves. We have such huge stockpiles of fission material that we bought from the former Soviet Union.


Just one man's opinion.

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My personal preference would be for the coalition to erase Syria from the face of the earth. Turn it into a big glass bowl, return them all to Alaah to sort out, and be done with that terrorist state who has caused so much trouble for us SINCE the 1960s. :twisted:


Just so we're clear where I personally stand, I'd like to see nukes... :twisted::twisted:


My professional opinion is that Bush won't rock the boat this close to elections. He has Kerry on the ropes. His impact was felt and landed a square hit on Kerry's jaw and I personally think that unless John Kerry turns the corner on public opinion, He is done for... I'd bet money that we are looking at four more years under Mr. G.W. Bush. Not saying this is or isn't my personal preference... Just making a prediction... Maybe I'll get my nukes wish after all? :D


Yea, I said nukes.... Does this make me a bad man? :roll:


Better question... Do I care? :lol:


Mushroom Clouds for them all I say! :twisted:


I'd be the biggest humanitarian in the world, if but for the people! :roll:

Mike 8)

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  • 4 weeks later...

Did anyone else hear on the radio yesturday, Sept.28,2004, that Israel just took delivery, from the US, 102 F-16's outfitted w/unsuaully larger fuel tanks....hinted that the fuel tanks will allow Israeli planes the ability to fly into Iran and back: which in the past they were not capable of such missions.


Israel also took delivery of 500-600 (cant remember exactly) bunker-busters and 5000 smart bombs.


In light of current events in the middle east....it appears Israel, and you can naturally assume this would also include the US and the Brits, are gearing up for something(?).



(Yea,Still an Inliner)

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Israel has always wanted planes with conformal fuel tanks, as has the Arab nations. Our government tries to play the balance of terror by playing one side off the other. A few years ago, Saudi Arabia was buying F15’s from us. They also wanted the conformal fuel tanks, but Israel kept raising a fuss. Finally when we offered to subsidize the sale of a batch of F15’s to Israel, they dropped their objections to the Saudi sale.


Conformal tanks not only give the aircraft range, but increase their loiter time. They make a lot of sense even without considering the increased strike range.


Also Iran is quite a bit different than Iraqi. When Israel struck the Iraqi reactor, it was being built out in the open by a European firm. So Israel had an excellent idea of what and how to hit it.


Iran is quite a bit farther away than Iraq. And, if you believe the article John C posted in another thread, they are dispersing their production. and moving most of it underground. Israel's chance of success would be quite a bit less than when they hit the Iraqi reactor.

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