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man what a bad day yesterday was!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Guest ON3GO

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well i had one of the worse days ever so far here in Houston.


day started off nice, picked up my friend and headed off on a hour trip to the 1/4th track.

car was running awesome all the way there, spiking to 10psi and leveling off at 8 or so. i even beat a G35 and this turbo'ed civic on the way to the track.

my friend and I were having a grand ole time.


get to the track and meet up with Bryan (2slo4u) .. cool guy.

get in the staging lanes and line up against this badass Buick T-type.

lights flash and off we go.. i get a good launch but something feels wrong.

i look to the boost gauge when im in 2nd gear and it only reading 2 to 3ps.. WTF!!!!

i finish the run in 3rd gear and i ran a 14.3 at 97mph....


i was pissed!!!

threw out the day the car was getting slower and slower. ended up at 14.8's at 93mph or so.

i kept getting awesome lights.. best .085 worse .328

hit every shift and a few people were impressed how well i was doing as i was taking EVERYTHING off the line.

i was happy about that.


found out with help from bryan that i had a hole in my intake manifold... fixed that with some JB weld i had in the car.. but still only ran 3psi or so.



fooled with the boost controller buts till nothing.. still havent found the problem.


well on the way home i guess the exhaust fumes got to me (i get fumes in the car HARDCORE!!!) and i started to faint. i pulled over and started throwing up like crazy. worse part was i had no food in me so i started to dry heve.

i then passed out after throwing up like 20 times.

my friend drove me home and helped me in the house.


woke up this morining with 103 fever, still sick as all hell.

head hurts so bad and im really feeling sick.


i desided im not gonna drive this car again for long trips till i fix all the problems.


it was a bad day, plus i hope something big didnt happen to my car, cuz its my only car :( and im broke.


sucks balls!!!!




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Dude.... been there, done that..... and you dont want the T-shirt. Its called carbon monoxide poisoning.... and the effects are accumulative.... meaning you kill brain cells every time you do it. (kinda like pot, but worse, lol) Do something about it, as it sounds like you dont realize the significance. Not trying to preach.... but the symptoms can come on very quickly.... and if you are on the highway in traffic..... :? I would rather hear ya bitchin about being broke than the alternatives.

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well thanks guys..

i just took the car for a spin just now.. idle is all messed up, dies all the time.

boost spikes to 5 and levels off at 3psi now.

i dunno whats wrong with it.

im thinking my boost controller took a shat, but still the car should run 5psi stock.

car feels so slow now.


i should have some money coming to me for my birthday (21st) so im gonna get all new seals, weather stripping, fix the exhaust, new gaskets, and put new carpet in the crap box.


i still cant see straight lol, head still hurts but the throwing up stopped and my eyes stopped buring.



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Those 103 fevers remind me of something. DO NOT spray por-15 with no mask, no matter how small the part. I sprayed my wheel well at around 12pm and then later that night I got a 100 fever and then later It went up to 103. The next morning I felt fine. So the moral of this story is, dont spray por 15 without a mask.

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Sorry to hear about that, Mike. I also felt sick on the way home and a little this morning, but it cleared up at work today. Maybe it was from inhaling all of the exhaust of those ultra high octane and alcohol burning monster cars, ha, ha. My throat is still sore and I think it was from all of the fumes. Hard to stay awake on the trip home also. MAN I was glad to see my bed! :shock:

Too bad about the boost problem. Maybe you should remove the boost controller and reconnect the wastegate stock style. You will at least run 7psi if all is well, then you can determine if the boost controller is the problem. Kinda sucks. I started off running high 15's and got it down to 14.8's on my last runs. You started of with 14.3 and ended up slowing to 14.8's, what the heck?

Cool to finally meet you and your friend Jarell. I wanted to bring a friend(he has a sweet 91 rx-7 that's pretty quick) but he had to work until 5pm, and I wanted to get to the track and scope everything out since it was my first time over there. Ole blue isn't as "ghetto rigged" as you were talking about. Looks good with that fuel rail and I thought the fuel pressure gauge was sweet. What did you think of my pressure gauge, Ha Ha? I expected to have at least one blowout, and lucked out and made it all the way back with my crappy tires.

I might go tomorrow if the weather looks good and if I get my friend's amp. fixed in time. I'm thinking of tampering with the fuel temperature sensor tomorrow also, to manipulate the mixture. Maybe I can get down to 14.3, ha, ha.

Can you believe I actually beat a couple of the people I raced? Of course one of them was a pickup, pretty stock. I think the other was a honda or neon, can't remember though, too many fumes. Maybe Jarell can get the video he took and post it here.

Hope you feel better soon, Mike. Good to meet you and Jarell. Maybe w'ell get to race eachother next time and get it taped!



81zxturbo-14.8 ridiculous seconds

95slobaru-don't even ask :oops:

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it was great to meet you, and ya ill try messing with the car tomorrow.

i felt to sick today, and even bleed out of my right eye abit.. THAT WAS WERID!!!!!!!!!!

i took it easy today, only ran the car 2 times.


boost now goes to about 6 but it feels slow for some reason.

i think i got a exhaust leak right off the head where my exhaust manifold bolt broke off.

also gonna take off the afm and clean it out, and clean out all the vacuum lines like you said.

idle is still way low and it stalls out alot.

but the JB weld fix is still holding up!!!

also i tried messing with the boost controller and it doesnt change boost at all so im sure thats messed up... electronic here i come!


and thanks for the kind words about ole blue.. she isnt bad, i need to take care of her better like wash her and keep her looking good but i like having a dirty car, makes the car seem meaner lol.


and ur car is cool dude, i like how you just seem to make everything work! i still say to stay with Z's... i can tell ya love them.

and i want your lights!!!


hope to see ya again, but 1st let me feel better.



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Don't know if the lights are legal, but you can get some at SHERCO. They really help see at night since the stock headlights are so low to the ground. You'll definately need to use two relays and run a seperate power wire for them straight to the battery. Let me know if you want to know how I hooked mine up.

After hearing your exhaust cutout, I want to get my exhaust done so bad now! Thanks, now I'll have to spend more money. :lol:





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Ah yes, C.O. poisoning, I know her very well.


I helped a friend of mine pick up some E30 parts once (a door and two fenders) the only running car we had was the S30, so off we went to a south side junk yard (45 minute drive one way.) when we got there we couldnt get the hatch closed so we just tied it down as far as it would go, it was still open around 10 inches. The drive back was a nightmare, you could smell all the exhaust fumes coming into the car and we couldnt do shiat about it. it also didnt help to get stuck 410/35 traffic on the way back. five hours later I was puking my guts out, eyes were burning and red, couldnt stay awake, hot one minute cold the next, etc etc. the next morning I was still puking and still had a fever, but it cleared up by mid afternoon and I never drove with the hatch open again.


the end.

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