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Somethings Got To Be Done!!!


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Can anything be done so all the posts that I haven`t read not be lost.


Now more info. . .

It really sucks when you login and have pages of posts to read but if something happens like say, close a window (by mistake) :oops: all of the posts are gone.



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Sup DCarrow.. I will explain how the "View New Posts" system works.. It saves the time and date you last visited the forum in a "cookie" on your computer. Everytime you login (automatically or manual) , it updates that "cookie" with the current time and date. So if you do happen to close ALL of the HybridZ pages in your browser and decide to come back again in a few minutes, it will show all the posts as being not "new".


Hope that answers the question without confusing you :)

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On another subject relating to site support. I've got dial-up at home, so if I'm downloading my e-mail from my ISP, it slows down my ability to open the HybridZ pages during this time. Unfortunately, during this time, the HybridZ pages only load up the far left hand side (light blue on my screen) only (and omits any text, forums, or topics). The only way to open up the page is to then go "back", wait until my I'm finished opening any other sites or downloading my e-mail, and re-try to open the next Hybridz page. Unfortunately once I've clicked on the "view all posts since last visit" again (being it didn't open up fully the first time), I've shot my wad so to speak, and the next window says "no new posts" and is blank. No other forum page from any other site does this at any time, so is this something I need to investigate on my end?

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Can you tell us which cookie it is that saves the last login date so we can delete or modifiy it. I have experienced this same problem many times and it's VERY frustrating.


BTW: I'm a programmer by profession so I can develop a program that can modify the cookie if it might be useful.



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Well.. Now after I overlooked the cookies, it more than likely keeps the last visit in the mysql database on the server. You can look at the cookies on your end to see if you can modify anything, but it probably only keeps autologin data there. The cookies are username@hybridz and username@nuke ...


You may have seen the announcement from the Admin. Myself and the Admin will be working on updating the portal and forum software to the latest versions, as well as PHP, mysql, etc.. This should solve a lot of problems, and maybe even this problem.

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You're right about the cookies. The HybridZ one appears to contain links into the SQL database that track our prifile information? At least thats what it looks like to me although thats just a guess. The Nuke one might contain a date time stamp but they aren't formatted so it would take some experimentation to figure out what the entries are for.


Thanks for the cookie names. I think I'll leave them alone unless I can get the specifications for what they contain. I totally understand if you aren't willing to provide that info, might cause some security issues.




BTW: If you're interested and want more help I'm willing to volunteer. I'll provide you with my experience (resume) if you're interested.

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