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My 82 280zx is stupid and won't start

Guest masonvonritchie

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Guest masonvonritchie

I posted this in another forum on this site, then found this one. I think i might get more help here...



Ok here's the situation. All my EFI components seem to work. I have spark, and compression, and I know fuel is getting all the way to the injectors because 1 or 2 of them are leaking a little bit. But the injectors won't work. Thus, the car won't start. I have no idea where to go from here. The only thing I can think of is to get new connectors. Also, I've been trying to get an answer to the following question and I haven't had any luck. Does the electronic ignition module on the distributor have anything to do with the Fuel Injectors? If it were bad or not getting a good connection, could it be the reason my injectors won't fire? I really need some help here guys. Thanks!

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Does it sputter, or try to run? I don't think the box on the dizzy is directly conected to the injectors, but if it's malfunctionng, the ecu will probly cut fuel off/not fire the injectors.. Maybe try another ignition box if possible.. and (as silly as it sounds) make sure the flap in the air flow meter isn't stuck closed/binding.

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Guest masonvonritchie

It doesn't sputter or anything. The starter works and it's turning over but thats it. I've been meaning to check the flap on the MAF but havne't gotten around to it yet. thanks for the help thus far



anyone else have any suggestions?


I want my z to be alive!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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just because you have leaky injectors does not mean they are delivering fuel. when was the last time the engine was running?

have someone turn the key to start the motor while you listen to each injector with a mechanics stethoscope (or a long screwdriver: place the screwdriver tip on the injector body and your ear on the handle)

you should hear a clear "ticking", this is the solenoid valve in the injector opening and closing. if you do not hear a "ticking", and you have checked to make sure the injectors are receiving a voltage signal from the ecu, the solenoid valves may be stuck.

while crancking the engine, lightly tap on the injector body with a 1/4 drive extension and a small hammer. this will dislodge the solenoid.

this worked for me to get the engine started after my car had been sitting for many months. i would also recommend having the injectors cleaned.

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Guest masonvonritchie

this is what i've been saying. they aren't recieving a voltage signal at all. I need to find out why they arne't getting a signal. I know they arne't delivering fuel. And the engine hasn't ran in like 5 years or something.

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how do you know that the injectors arn't recieving a signal?


this is a pretty standard diagnosis and repair kind of problem. if you are certian that the injectors are not recieving a signal i would follow the injectors wires back, check for ground, look for shorts, insure the ECU fuse is good, check the ECU harness and be sure it is seated. inspect some more wires. i would also check fuel presure (no, a visable fuel leak does not constitute a fuel presure check).


give a summary of what you have checked, how you checked it and what exactly was the result. a car that has sat for 5 years could have any number of problems. statments like "there is no signal being sent to them" aren't half as useful as statments like "i hooked up a voltage tester to the injector harness set the tester to *insert voltage range* stuck a probe into each of the injector contacts and had a friend turn the car over while i looked for the needle to move, it never did"

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Guest masonvonritchie

ok i guess i needed to give more information. I did use a voltage meter and my dad stuck the probes in the connectors and I turned the key and turned the engine over. he said there was no change at all.

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