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Modding an N/A to a turbo.


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well i decided to upgrade my NA 81zx to a turbo zx.

this is what i have planed :


-buy a turbo rebuild kit for the engine (it doesnt come with rods, do i need to change them to run like 10 maybe 12 psi? i know ill need an intercooler)

-get the turbo exhaust manifold

-turbo fuel pump and injectors

-turbo itself (just a stock t03)

-ECU + Harness

-turbo dizzy


has anybody ever upgraded an NA to a turbo?

reason i am doing this is because turbo zx engines are so rare here that i cannot find a whole turb oengine and just swap it.


thanks for all and any help/

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Guest bastaad525

Don't think you can use a P79 with the turbo manifold.


Quite a few guys here have done what you are basically planning, and you seem to have all the bases covered, except for the issue of the head.


The stock N/A rods are fine... If you really wanted to you could leave the bottom end alone, even if you have flat top pistons, you'll still be well within the safety margin to run a turbo, especially if you stick with the lower compression head (look into getting a P90).



Also, since you're basically starting from scratch, it would definately be to your advantage to look into upgrades right off the bat. For instance, swapping in 370cc injectors instead of the stock turbo 260's (I've seen/been offered full sets of 370's for $60, they can be made to work with VERY minimal mods), and you'll definately want to skip on the stock turbo fuel pump (alternatives can be had for $100-200). Also, possibly going with a hybrid turbo right off the bat. The saying around here goes "boost is addictive" and... man is that saying ever true. Trust me I was like... THE spokesperson for "well I will be happy with only this much power/stock stuff/etc.". The guys here get to raise their eyebrows on a nearly daily basis, however, every time they catch me trying to 'sneak' in a few more hp :D .

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thank you on answering about doing upgrades right away...i wanted to hear that....


so ill need to get aftermarket pump and injectors and say a t03/04 hybrid...and the rods will be fine with a bigger boost, how bout the stock head gasket and rings and pistons (since im planning on doing a STOCK turbo rebuild) can they handle all that???

ahh damn ill have to get a head now too....:(

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Guest bastaad525

yeah... good question... because come to think of it... I always seem to remember hearing that the turbo bottom ends were built stronger than the N/A bottom ends... but in which way, exactly?

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im asking because i got a guy that will sell me


exhaust manifold, ECU, and harness, turbo afm ,and he has the fuel pump....

but if im gonna be running bigger turbo...do stock turbo internals go...this is why i just wanted to keep the boost at stock because i dont know what it can handle...and whats compatible with what...sorry im not a turbo guy...

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Guest bastaad525

stock block can handle a lot, turbo block or N/A.


Recently I personally found out there are a few guys putting more than 400hp to the wheels on stock blocks... you can go reeeeal far with a T3/04 turbo and the fuel to support it. Stock head and head gasket will hold a lot of power and boost as well as long as they are in good shape, boost in the mid to high teens are very common for street gas, daily driven stock turbo motors, putting out 300-400hp with no problems.


The stock turbo has proven good up to a high 200rwhp number, Garret76zt put down 276rwhp on the stock T3, with good itnake exhaust and 370cc injectors on stock EFI running 15psi of boost. That's a high 12 second 1/4 mile car if it's a light 240z.

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Guest bastaad525
well thats all i need...even a low 200 would be more then enough..

im just going to do a stock turbo setup like i wanted to....and run 12 PSI to be safe with an intercooler.


ROFL now why does this sound so familiar??



Seriously though... do keep in mind even at 12psi on stock everything you WILL need more fuel on the top end, no if's and's or but's there. Stock fuel pump MAY handle it (I doubt it though, especially if you use one of the below methods of running higher fuel pressure), but the stock EFI/injectors will not... they start running lean even at 9-10psi WITHOUT the intercooler at above 5000rpm. I/C = colder air = even more lean. There's lots of easy and cheap ways around this, upping fuel pressure is one cheat, which is what I did, running an RRFPR that only ups fuel pressure on boost (cost about $250... in retrospect not the smartest purchase), giving me more than enough fuel to support this much boost thru the stock injectors. It's definately not the most ideal setup, but it works. A used set of 370cc injectors actually would have been cheaper, but a little more pain in the butt to install and tune for. Extra injectors and a controller for them are also a relatively low cost option that wont effect off boost driveability.


Cheapest easiest method I can think of to support 12 psi would be to get just a regular adjustable FPR, the one MSD sells (MSD part number 2222, actually made by Bosch) is cheap, about $50. You can up the overall fuel pressure with that, about 10-15psi increase should keep stuff from melting.

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Guest bastaad525

Or don't hey buddy it's your car... WTF did I miss something?? I'm sitting here trying to give you helpful info and you're snapping at me? I guess that's my thanks for taking up MY time to type info you coulda just found for your damn self if you'd bothered to try. You know, maybe next time just don't ask, since helpful tips seem to somehow be bothering you. Next time just do a damn search like you're SUPPOSED to do and find all the answers you want (or don't) yourself. Or just go do your bone stock setup, 'like you wanted to', run it lean at 12psi and if it blows well hey then you found out on your own and don't need to ask.

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Hi man i Dont konow your Budget, but i know that for instance in GB they did not get the Turbo so they got A Jansspped kit that uses the stock NA heads, dont ask me details cause i dont have them.

I talked to a guy who ran a turbo on a n42 and he had some problems with Pinging, but he bought a stand alone fuel system (haltech)


But I would leave the stock bottomend alone, and actually i would hope you have Flat top tops,(this comes normally with the P79 right) Thisway you do not have as much lag, and you wont have to upgrade te turbo(depeding on what you want but 200 is a walk in the park!), This will give you a much wider flatter powerband, You would need an IC though, and i would get something good for that ( not a saab 9000 unit) but there is plenty written on that on this Forum, and the general idea in avaialabilty/prize/function in the US would be the NPR unit.

I have heard several stories on people in Europe running Flat Top p90 combos ( stock NA set up here ) even a guy on this Board (xander) is thinking of it, and Pallnet runs a high compression combo, and some other people i know.

If it wasnt for the fact that i have a perfect Turbo engine in my car i would do it (in fact i have a flat top P90 combo waiting on shelf)

This is much more a modern aproach to Turbocharging


So i would say:

Grab the manifold and the Turbo, get a Turbo head(p90/p90a), The Dizzy. Leave the ECU and get Megasquirt ( read post below) get 370cc injectors, an good headgasket

You will need to build a 3" downpipe (preferred) since the stock unit is very resrictive.

One note though you really want to think gearbox and clutch since a turbo is much stronger this is why the early models came with AT only ...the stock gearboxers are not well matched!

Also with a flat top you will have more torwque so you need a better clucth probably. though at 200 rwhp ...

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you might want to check down this page, there is an whole issue about this subject.


However with a good headgasket, APR bolts ( to be sure) and a good IC i would not foresee to much trouble, given you get the rest of the sytem stable ( fuel delivery, engine management)

I would really advice to get a good pump and Injectors, a good Boost Gauge since the OEM part is not accurate in general consensus and a stand alone like MEgasquirt, this since boost is addictive, and you really will crave for more, anyway with a good controlled tuned engine you get peace of mind, and better milage !!


I would not worry about the compression, you just run less boost ... so smaller Turbo, here you save the money :)

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haha i didnt bite your head of either...just sounded that way... anyways sorry if it came out wrong. when i said "god" i mean damn will i ever get this right. and when i said "fine" it wasnt the "whatEVER" fine it was like. Ok tahts fine, then ill do this kinda fine...


ok what about this setup.


-Stock turbo rebuild kit.

-zxt exhaust manifold

-my NA intake manifold

-t03/04 garret turbo

-p90 head (since mine is p79 with round exhaust ports)

-1983 zxt AFM

-zxt distributor

-60 mm TB from a 240sx

-bigger fuel pump (what would be good to buy??)

-bigger injectors say 370cc?


NOW...EFI managment...what do you suggest i go with?? and how does it work do i keep my NA ECU and harness or what the hell?


alls im trying to do is make a list of what i need so i can go pricing out :) again any help is greatly appreciated thanks.

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Guest bastaad525

Another case of internet misunderstandings then? Alright dude if that's really the case then I apologize for going off like that. That's the first time in years of being here that I've ever snapped like that... I was really taken aback when it seemed like you were snapping at me for trying to be helpful. Well dude in that case good luck on your swap, oh and yeah the setup you listed would work fine :)

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