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ZR8ED's TNT vid now avail


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Not so new video, but its too big to store at my imagestation site (longer than 3min.. its 3:33 min)




Older vids are here...




It is my most recent runs with the car at an old 10psi, stock injs, stock ecu...


I'm pretty much out of time for any new footage of the monster as it stands... lets just say that 15psi, with new inj, new ecu is very interesting.


Anyways its an addition to my "MIB TAG" video of last year. This year it has some brief clips of a Gnose 260, a couple of MkII supras, and my usual fellow MIB'r in his ultra black baddass modded JDM MkII.


Could someone host this?



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Thanks Wags!


My imagestation site is pretty good so far.. The max video size they will take is 3min. My vid is just over 3.5min I really don't want to cut it down.


The file is currently in two formats, mpeg1 @ 54mb, and quicktime format @ 20mb.


I'm not even sure if my email will send out something this size.


I don't have any other new vids..at least nothing worth watching..hehe I'm saving some clips for my next vid. "MIB Tag Team" hehehe should turn out good.. My buddies supra is meaner than ever now. He is finishing up an install of a modded and very rare jdm 7mgte. The thing is going to scream. It will make for some cool vid... we are going to need a faster chase car. :shock:


Drop me an email, and I'll see if it will send?



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Hey Scott,

I just took a look on the server and saw that the full name of the movie has spaces in it (TNT by MIB low res.mov). I changed the name of the file to tnt.mov


So, you should be able to get to it via: http://www.marcsgarage.net/zr8ed/tnt.mov


EDIT: OOPS! Jeromio posted while I was changing the name of the vid. Sorry about that!! Please use the link I posted.


Also: Not for Dial-up unless you have lots of time to kill. ~20Mb. Great vid, though!

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