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Has the Holley intake 300-36 always been the same?

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I mean, it's been through so many name changes, but were there ever any modifications to it each time they changed the name, or did they just do it for marketing purposes? Reason why I ask is that I've been wanting the street dominator, and I'm looking at buying the Holley Contender for a bit cheaper, which are both part #300-36. I'm just checking to see if there's any difference between the old 300-36 and the new 300-36. I wouldn't think so, because a) they probably would've changed part numbers, and B) from what I remember, it's based on an old z-28 manifold, so it's probably been the same this whole time. But anyways, just figured I'd check before I bought it. Thanks in advance.

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That's odd, I always thought that the Performer RPM and 300-36 were about the same, with very little difference. I have the Holley Systemax heads and cam, but not the intake, which calls for the 300-36. I was always thinking that if I get the Performer RPM, I'd need to get the cam kit with it to make sure all the numbers match up. How much of a power difference are we talking about?

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I don't know if peak numbers are sufficiently different, but the smoother more gradual bending of the runners in the RPM promote better mixture distribution and should provide better part throttle response. I like both of the intakes, but dyno and computer modeling have improved things significantly over Chevy's 1967 high rise intake (which in itself was a dramatic improvement over the L79 style intake.) If you already owned one I would say run it, but if you are buying, the RPM intake is a better all around package IMO.

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