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Trivial Persuit-timing with out timing pointer


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Is it possible to correctly time an engine without the use of the 'timing pointer' that typically attached to the timing cover that shows the strob light degree setting on the damper scale. How is this done. Please dont ask why, just answer the question. My friend and I have a little bet going.


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I think it's possible to time an engine 'by ear' as I'm sure a lot of folks here have done over the years.. I don't own a timing light, and frankly never felt the need to put one on my car.. I got it running, advanced the dizzy as far as it could go before the engine screamed "aaahhggghhhh!!" (pings) and got the idle down to just under 1000rpm. Now, as for knowing exactly WHERE it is set, this method isn't any good.. but what are you saying when you say 'corectly time' an engine? Fuel milage? Performance?

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Set the engine to TDC (using a piston stop or whatever method). THen as long as the crank has a TDC mark on it, bolt a piece of wire to the block to line up with TDC on the crank. To set the advance, using a crank degree lable sticker will make life much easier....but there are ways around that.

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