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Looking for board members who live in Japan or have contacts there

Guest bastaad525

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Guest bastaad525

I know there's a few of you on here, Stony I think, also Corzette, and Yo2001 I know you're in the States but per chance you have relatives in Japan still?? Anyone else I dont know of?



Reason I'm asking is, there's an item I'd desperately like to get my hands on that is currently only available in Japan, or thru importers but importers want to charge BIG TIME overhead on the thing and rip me off. I'm hoping I could find someone here on the boards who'd be kind enough just to pick one up for me w/o ripping me off to get it. So, basically looking for someone cool whom I can send the money (retail cost of the item) and shipping cost and a little something for your time, and pick up and ship the item to me.


Anyone interested in helping out a fellow hybrid Z member?

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