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California veichle laws and out of state cars on vacation

Guest iskone

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I was wondering if the laws in Ca. are going to apply to me and my Z when I drive there in march. I will only be there for one week but I think my Z breaks some laws. I have a 72 240.


My rockers and air damn are 4" off the ground(3" for my Xmember)

My exhaust is loud as hell and for the trip I'm going to put 7 more discs in each muffler totaling 12 discs per muffler(2) whcih will make it even louder. Why more discs? I want more top end for the drive since I plan to top her out.


I would think it doesn't matter for my Washington state car but I'm not sure. I've seen guys on T.V. get tickets for their cars headlights being to close to the ground.


So should I take any percations besides a radar and light throttle when passing cops.



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Just stay off Hollywood Blvd on weekend nights. I have watched cops stake out the boulevard and ticket anyone they don't like the looks of. I am sure there are other cruise hot spots as well.


Your car doesn't sound too radical by CA standards. I don't think there is a law about lowering. Loud mufflers, burnouts, excessive lane changes, triple digit speeds. Those are all things that are in your control that can get you noticed. I have spent enough time in CA traffic court to know that hispanics with tinted windows can be a problem too. But for the most part I imagine the laws (and enforcement of those laws) is not much different between CA and Washington State.


I have lived in both places (Bremerton no less), but my WA car was a POS enconobox. Don't drive around drunk near any CA Navy bases either. I can tell you THAT one from personal experience. Cops sit and wait for that low hanging fruit.

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This is a good question. I don't have a definitive answer but I would guess that because your car is registered in another state, many of the laws would not apply. i.e. it would be ridiculous for them to require your car to meet our smog standards once you cross the border. If you were moving here and had to register the car with the state, well that's an entirely different story.


However, this isn't to say that you can't get any tickets. There is nothing stopping law enforcement from issuing tickets for moving violations or the like. Just don't act like a maniac and you'll be fine.


BTW, there is a law regarding the minimum height from the ground to the center of the headlight; a cop tried to ticket me for it once. There is also a law that prohibits any "portion" of the car sitting lower than the lower rim lip, but I didn't get a ticket for that either. However, I did find out that both of them were on the books. Granted this was back in 1991, but I doubt they've changed.

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I think I should be in good shape overall. I won't go into L.A. the farthest south I'll go is Monteray Bay. I got to make some stops in San Jo that's where I'm from.


One problem might be taht I am hispanic and by then I'll have tinted windows. LOL


Drive drunk!? Not on my f#cking life!!!! My best freind died in Santa Clarita last September. Not barking at you though.


Well I plan to drive the 800mi to the bay in 8hrs that won't be to manic, right?



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Lower rim lip one is easy, just put 19" wheels on it. :twisted:


Exhaust noise is a problem, it'll draw their attention and then they'll get you for something, there is so much law to choose from. I friend of mine is a Cop (a real a-retentive one too) good thing he's on my side, he once gave someone a ticket for turning right on a light that had a sign that said "no right after 3pm and before 6pm, and it was 3:02pm!.


Another time he saw someone drop cigarette ash out the window, JUST the ASH! :shock: and ticketed them for litering, they complained and actually threw the ticket on the ground when he gave it to them, so he wrote them up again and threatened to arrest them.


Just stay cool, drive slowly and try not to WOT in a school zone or construction zone, those they know you'll never beat. Otherwise you'll probably be ok.


Welcome to the leader in law enforcement, where there are more prisons than schools.

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equipment laws and such should be determined by the county you are regestered in. for instance, knox tenneessee does not require tags for personal use trailers, i was recently in FL where they do require them. i was stopped and i told them they were not required where i was from. no ticket. just make sure you're legal where you're from and you shouldn't have any ticket trouble.



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Before I give anyone false hope, I'd like to say that caps are ppl, too, and they can almost do whatever they want to (depending on their mood).


That being said, I was driving around w/ one of my friends (slash customer) from VA in his once legal R32. The reason I say once legal is that he was one of our 1st customers to buy a 50 state legal Skyline, but a little time and money later, the two small turbos were replaced w/ a GT45R, among various other modifications.


Long story short, the car is pushing 927 to the wheels, and we got pulled over in City of Industry, CA. This car has a 4 inch turbo back exhaust w/ no cats etc. etc. etc.


All the cop did was run his license & registration, and let him go. There were hardly any words spoken, so I'm not 100% sure as to why we got pulled over, but I have a sneeky suspition that it may have been the exhaust.


Point is, you definately don't have to meet smog regulations just b/c you're in the state.


Besides, you definately won't have to worry about smog even if you lived in cali. It's a '72. Smog exempt. I'm pretty sure there are at least a few ppl on this board that got into the hybridZs for those sacred words-Smog Exempt.





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I should be good to go. I don't even plan to get crazy on the streets just on the way down. Well I'll do a mean burn out in front of my old house.


I can't wait to go and look for some of my old graffitti. It's been a real long time but I did stuff in secret places and besides some stuff was like 10 years old when I was still there 8 years ago.


BTW I wasn't some punk ass tagger who made the city look like crap with unproportioned scribbles.



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