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Trailing arm bushing removal

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Is there a way to get this thing off easy? It seems the rubber has fallen apart on my 83 zx and the metal part of the trailing arm bushing has welded it self in. This is the big bushing that connects infront of the back wheel. Short of taking the whole assembley apart and a big press Im not sure of any other way to get it out. Any sug?

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If you can't get the sleeve out you could cut a slit in it along its length with a hack saw or die grinder. Get it thin enough before going all the way though then burn out that paper thin section with a oxy/gas torch. The theroy here is to release the compression of the pressed in sleeve. Once you cut into a diameter of a circle its captive strengh is greatly reduced. Also gives you an edge to start the chisel process. Peel the sleeve in towards the center. The torch really works good as you can 'move' selected metal much easier with focused slightly red hot sleeve heatings and then light tappings. Way better than pounding pressing causing damge or distortion to the part you want to save. Here is a typical example of what I am talking about.

They used a propane torch which to me is only hot enough to burn the rubber out. Especially if the sleeve is really rusted in place which it just may be. Good luck! Hope this helps.


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