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Grandpa Phantom


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Thanks guys. It was touch and go Saturday morning with events ending in an emergency c-section and Connor in the intensive care neonatal unit with "wet lung". He dried out in 24 hoours and he and his mom were released from the hospital today.

Yes -I'll make the meeting this Thursday. It's a really intense week. Grandson on Saturday and house guest arriving that day, Taxes on Sunday and Monday, Church meeting Monday night, Car into shop for extreme make-over on interior tonight, business trip out of town tomorrow, and club meeting Thursday. Lord, I get tired just thinking about it!

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Is connor going to get the LS1 280Z for his 16th B-Day?


Since someone mentioned all the money you will be spending on your new grandson, I have seen some nice 280ZX bodied go karts on eBay from time to time.


Get him started early.

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