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Pretty cool...however now I garuntee he's getting his window busted. The only real[/i'] option for NYC is to leave your car open, have nothing in it like a stereo, speakes, loose change or a month old piece of pizza crust. Even then they may still steal the paint right off the car!!!


They might have to break the window, but I don't think they'll want to sit on all the glass. Just an idea

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I grew up in the Bronx so I know for a fact that NOTHING will keep "them" from stealing a car...not even a locked garage. My old, beat to crap, maxima diesel wagon was stolen from me. It was rusty, had broken glass, it was crooked and patched in all different colors. There was NOTHING inside of it that would attract attention. They either needed to transport something, or needed a diesel crank for their Z!

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