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a little late but heres what makes me most upset about the 3


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it has some pumped up maxima motor, whiles its tough and probably very quick, its a maxima motor reworked a little bit. man they coulda stuck a ten year old RB motor in there and made the world know what time it was. base model could be an rb20 or rb30, then you get the super nismo rb26dett edition driving two wheels, or even four i wouldnt be mad, they could detune the crap out of it, id know where to find it and im sure anyone else would as well. best of all, man and this makes me even more upset, domestic RB parts would be readily available to the public- Kragen would have my Sh$t. man oh man, oh well ill stick to my L28et for now, and keep spying on the supra forums.

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I just saw two 350Zs last night at the Georgia Z Club meet. They look oversized to me, too wide. The engine is stuffed in there, no room to work on it. No way that I can see to stuff in a V8 down the road. The interior is very nice, I think it was the best part of the car.

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Hey, At least many of here will be able to rob the fender badges of a wrecked one if/when we find one in a bone yard.


So, I guess not all is lost.


Nissan and Toyota have always been good about using tried and trued parts that they already have when mfg'ing a new car.


Len, I feel your pain rockon.gif I knew they would under power it. Remember, they were not wanting to over build and over price their car like they did w/the later 300zx's, and price themselves out of the market.


Just sit tight-and wait for the aftermarket crowd to take up the slack; the aftermarket crowd usually doesnt waste anytime in stepping up to the plate where the mfg has fallen short.



(Yea,Still an Inliner)

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The talks from nissan is that the convertable version of the 350z is to release around March or May tipping the price scale around 40,000+


As for a turbo version rumored, there will be no stock turbo 350z from Nissan, but there is talks of Stillen already working on it either that of a supercharged version, so it may be ready for aftermarket.


As for the fender badge on the new Z, I have one coming in through the dealer, they are on back order for now, but they are around $20 for one, I believe.


If you do find one in the scrap yard that would be a find. Most components on it like control arms are made of aluminum. Also has a carbon fiber wraped drive shaft.

Personally I would be after the seats.

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this is what gets me the most, is that the rb motor is known the world over to be that hardcore ish. europe, all of asia, and everywhere else but the us people are knowing the rb is the powerplant. the skyline is the japanese supercar-everywhere but here,

so that people with this motor are few and far between. i think nissans cost would be cheaper to produce them, but maybe the price would go up because it would be dangerously fast. they could call it the 350z cause it woudl have 350hp, and not a hyped up maxima motor.

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