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pending and curent california smog and auto related laws


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you are correct ... leiber or what ever her name is and flores from modesto are apparently gearing up to get "polluters" off the road ...


from what i read of it ... appears won't matter if pre 74 or not ..


rumor is, flores wants to reintroduce the bill that gov davis vetoed ... only cars 45 years and older will be smog exempt ... all others will have to pass smog test.


keep an eye on these bastards ... write your reps and the gov. let em know your are watching ...


they sneak these things in ..


and as most everyone knows , how california goes, so does the rest of the usa. and soon the rest of the world.

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Guest bastaad525

sorry for being a pessimist here but writing them doesn't seem to do a damn bit of good... I think they're all answering to a higher power on these decisions... the almighty dollar.


Tim - what do you think the likelyhood is that any point in the near future, say 5 or even 10 years, that they will repeal or change the law or whatever and the currently exempt cars wont be exempt anymore?

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It all seems so stupid (typical politician mentality) to even think about the 30+ year old cars! You have to ask yourself...what's the total percentage of old cars on the road now days? Not very many. And alot of them are owned by car folks like us who likely keep them in sufficient tune, so polution is minimal. And when was the last time you saw an officer of the law pull over an old clunker that smoking to high heaven to get them off the road? Now lets look at all those BIG RIGS spewing out all that black crap.....gee, I wonder what that percentage is compared to the old cars? I think you all know what I'm talking about. Baastard525 hit the nail on the head! It's about the money and I might add, their personal agendas. It's about as rediculuous as trying to impose gun control laws. Got me all fired up....I'll stop now!

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I WILL move out of CA if, or when, they make pre-74 cars require smog testing.

I have no issue with the tailpipe tests, but so what if it does not have the old emissions equipment....if the end result is good, who cares how you get there. For instance, when putting in a newer FI engine in an older car (like an LS or LT in a 240), even with all the smog equipment removed from the newer engine, it will burn cleaner that the old I6 WITH all it's original smog equipment.....

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if any of of these politicians are democrats i can tell you what the deal is.i california the major supporter of democratic party is the sierra club.i am a member of the blue ribbon coalition.blue ribbon coalition represents off road vehicle users.the brc puts out a monthly magazine with legislative actions that they are fighting.its usually all democrats that sponser tree hugger stuff.but our politicians are still sucking d#$k for the corporate campaign contributions that they got.we just for for the lesser of 2 evils.when we figure out how to get rid of corporate influence out of our government we will be free again.

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Guest bastaad525

well I"ve always been on the brink of leaving CA anyways, and I agree with Tim, if they repeal the exemption I"m outta here... much nicer places to live anyways.

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