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Unstable boost

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Ive just installed a Blitz manual Boost controler. which is great. large Robust. and a F*Cken pain in the but. I currently had a Threaded Acuator Arm which was great for running 8psi but anything higher and the travel was gone. and the Wastgate flap didnt open far enough causing the boost to creep.


So i installed/borrowed a blitz boost controller. I unwound my acuator arm untill their was a slight pretension on the wastegate arm. and installed the contorller. (bleed vavle).


Blow me down, it took me 1 hour to get the dam thing to do 9psi. 4 complete turns, and 15psi. 3 turns 6psi. 3.5 turns 15psi. and one click back from 3.5 turns and its 9psi. "sigh". I was thinking i had it right and went for a drive.


Then this happend. 2nd Gear 9psi. 3rd gear 12psi, 4th gear 15psi. :S

It was constintly doing this, no matter what.

I got pissed off, and went home. Now this morning didnt touch a thing and the dam thing only ran 6psi and 10 minites later 15psi.


What the hell is going on!?!? i never had this much problems with a cheep bleed vavle compared to a expensive one.

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Guest bastaad525

this is what manual boost controllers tend to do.


with my grainger valve style manual boost controller, I get 11-12psi in first, 12psi in second, 13 psi in 3rd and 4th, and 14-15psi in fifth.



A good electronic controller shouldn't be doing that though...

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sounds like my old Corvair. Nothing till the top of first (maybe a pound), then then in second I would get 5, third gear gave me 10, and when on it hard in fourth I would spool to between 17 and 21psi depending on the weather.


The Corvair didn't have a wastegate...


That should point you to what is going on.... I will lay money you need some more tension on the actuator arm to hold it closed! Sounds like you are constantly blowing past the wastegate, and the spool is directly related to the load you have on the engine!


Let us know what you find, because it sure sounds like you don't have enough tension on the flapper to hold the exhaust pressure, and it's bypassing on a variable basis.

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I instaled my Spring system backonto the wastegate and no improvement. But now the old girl os off the road. as it is over fueling madly and wont rev.


And the fact now someone drove into the back off it, while it was parked. off the street, down a long drive way :(

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