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Halon fire extinguisher off of EBay CHEAP!!! Tried it?

Guest iskone

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Halon will definitely do the trick for putting out fires, but be sure to use it in an open area. If you light that thing off inside a car or other small enclosed space, you probably wouldn't make it out. It also reacts when heated by fire and becomes extremely irritating to breath in even small concentrations. We use banks of large (200 lb. if I remember correctly) cylinders of this on ships in the engineering spaces for fire protection. We accidentally lit one off while doing maintenance on the system, none of us died, but it was a really close call. In short, I would not recomend this for use in a car, unless connected remotely in the engine bay or another unoccupied compartment. Hope this helps,



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Halon is some funky crap. we use it on the flightline for putting out aircraft fires. had a guy use one last month on the open ramp and happen to be downwind from it (big no no ) and he got sent to the hospital for some treatment. If i understand it right it take the oxygen out of the atmosphere so if you inhale it will F you up!!!! i personally would NOT put it in a car

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Just re-read the auction, specifically where he says: "remarkably safe for human exposure." Yeah....... Don't believe that for a second. The Navy ships he talks about also are equipped with emergency oxygen producing escape devices (called EEBD's and SEED's) that allow people can use to breath long enough to escape the space if Halon goes off. I don't see him selling any of those....



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Halon is some funky crap. we use it on the flightline for putting out aircraft fires. had a guy use one last month on the open ramp and happen to be downwind from it (big no no ) and he got sent to the hospital for some treatment. If i understand it right it take the oxygen out of the atmosphere so if you inhale it will F you up!!!! i personally would NOT put it in a car


Yeah, it displaces oxygen, as well as disrupting the chemical chain reaction that occurs during fire. Between these two properties, if you take a lungfull of this stuff you will not be a happy person afterwards. I've breathed in just a small concentration and it was enough to nearly make me pass out after the initial panic reaction. Almost feels like breathing in water. Bad stuff. Stick with C02 or ABC extinguishers.

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Yeah, it displaces oxygen, as well as disrupting the chemical chain reaction that occurs during fire. Between these two properties, if you take a lungfull of this stuff you will not be a happy person afterwards. I've breathed in just a small concentration and it was enough to nearly make me pass out after the initial panic reaction. Almost feels like breathing in water. Bad stuff. Stick with C02 or ABC extinguishers.


Not to be a PITA but the whole point of Halon is it puts out fires by chemically interfearing with the fire and NOT by displacing the oxygen.

CO2, on the other hands, relies solely on displacing all the oxygen. Get stuck in a room full of Halon and you will be able to run out and bitch about it on the internet. Get stuck in a room full of CO2 and you will pass out immediately. That is why Halon was so popular for electronic/electrical switchgear rooms. The only reason they stopped making it was because of ozone damage. Really, if it wasn't for the ozone thing Halon is about the best thing to carry in a car. ABC dry chemical extinquishers are corrosive and will damage your car if not cleaned up right away.

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Guest iskone

I work in a lab enviorment and asked around about Halon. I ghet the same kind of answers I got here. I know I don't want to breath it in and to be carefull but I don't see myself using so much that I would die, I'm sure I'd my breath by instinct and then move away from the car to breath. Just put things in perspective for a second, we are talking about my car and how to protect it's well being. Of course I'll risk my life just to save a carb!!!! JK



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Not to be a PITA but the whole point of Halon is it puts out fires by chemically interfearing with the fire and NOT by displacing the oxygen.

CO2' date=' on the other hands, relies solely on displacing all the oxygen. Get stuck in a room full of Halon and you will be able to run out and bitch about it on the internet. Get stuck in a room full of CO2 and you will pass out immediately. That is why Halon was so popular for electronic/electrical switchgear rooms. The only reason they stopped making it was because of ozone damage. Really, if it wasn't for the ozone thing Halon is about the best thing to carry in a car. [/quote']


I agree, this is a popular misconception. I was always told to be especially carefull if one is a smoker. This is a quick way out if you've been recently exposed to Halon.


ABC dry chemical extinquishers are corrosive and will damage your car if not cleaned up right away.


This is a bit misleading. The first thing my racing club told me was get a BC only. The A is for wood and paper and this is the most corrosive part of the chemical.

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