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Micheal crook


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Guest Want aZ

Unfortunatly its already too late as he talks of his daughter....He has already contaminated the Gene Pool.....Dumb Bastard...I retired from the Army after 20 years and would just love to get this guy alone for 5 minutes, we will see who the better man is after that.......

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It's probably a very good thing for him that he's not more well known in military circles, I had no clue who this a$$ clown was until seeing this thread. I realize that by being in the military, I have to protect even morons like this. This works out OK at a distance, as long as I dont have to see them or hear them. If I ever met this guy in person though, I'd be obligated to stomp a mud hole in his a$$.



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Sorry for being late on this thread guys but please bear with me.


I'm currently going into my third week of Drill Sergeant school here at wonderful and EXTREMELY (blah) HUMID Fort Jackson, SC.


I, for the next two years at a minimum will assist the sons and daughters of the american people in their effort to become american soldiers. The type of young warriors we are seeing entering the military today astounds me. When I joined, I'll have to be honest, I did not join for the benefit of our wonderful nation. I was personally motivated, but regardless of my reasons, I have stuck with this decision for the past 9 and a half years. What I'm going through right now is nothing new to a lot of people. It is however, completely unfathomable to most. I'm not a stressful person but for the past 2 weeks I have been kept awake at night with burning stomach aches, and cold sweats. Am I sick? No, I'm just doing one of the most stressful things that I have ever even attempted. Alot is expected of me and I will rise to the challenge.


But these young warriors are patriots!! It takes a special kind of person to join the military when your nation is at war.


I will take these young civilians and turn them into soldiers. I will teach and mentor these young souls until they are able to stand on their own two feet!!

Alot of these kids will be sent off to fight in our present theaters of operation, and they know that getting into it.


I have grown to love my profession and will continue to bear true faith and allegiance to to my country and the military service. i guess what I'm trying to say is that this guy is a complete idiot with a vietnam era mentality towards soldiers, but you know what. He's entitled to his opinion, and if it came down to it, I would put my life on the line to protect the very freedom that he enjoys and makes him able to say these things. On a personal side note though. I'd love to meet him face to face :) The sad part is that I guarantee he's not the only person in this country that feels that way. He should kiss the ground that the Soldiers, sailors, airmen and marines walk on. Because of US, he has the quality of life that he has today.


Ok, I've rambled long enough and I don't know if I made the point I was trying to bring across, but I feel so passionate about what I'm doing and the impact I'll have on the 600+ lives that I'll come into contact with of the next couple years. If you have served in the military, one of the people you will never forget is your Drill Sergeant!!


This guys obviously does not understand what we go through EVERYDAY to do the job we do. He tries to make it look like we're freeloading off of the taxpayers. I would love to see him go through a couple days of what I'll be doing for the next couple years.


This is not the time to down talk these young patriots, just thank them. I know you guys on this site are GREAT about supporting the troops. And this guy obviously has no clue.


Thanks for listening, have a great day ;)

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Guest tony78_280z

There are only two solutions for peace


1. Destroy all opponents and threats.

2. Be the baddest mo fo on the planet so that nobody wants to even try to attack you.


Anything else is just wishfull thinking.

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