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Computer Trouble Help Needed Urgently!


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I have a video project due on tuesday, I have it all filmed but the PC crashed due to a virus. There was no way to reboot and my mom sent the hard drive off to recover the all the files. We bought a nice big new hard drive (200GB Seagate) and when we go home and get the hard drive set up (using the CD it gave) and then used the recovery disk (from DOS) it stops and says "run-time error R6003 integer divide by 0". I looked on the net and it seems to be common problem but it didnt give any solutions. The computer is a Compaq Presario. I really need help!

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Guest Battle Pope

If that's the case it's not just compaq. A lot of older motherboards have BIOS limitations that prevent them from detecting large disks. Usually a BIOS flash will solve the problem.


That might not be it, though.

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The BIOS should recognize the drive and if it's old, will limit you to a certain partition size I think...


Either way, you don't have any usable files on the new drive, and if your old drive doesn't make it back, you're screwed for Tuesday.


Any chance you can stick the old drive in an external USB/Firewire enclosure and hook it up to a friend's computer?


How much are you being charged for the data recovery? I hear that's expensive as hell!

Good luck


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