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Car won't start :o/

Guest Pegasus76

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Guest Pegasus76

Alright, here's the deal...After dealing with the grueling hours it took to drill out the bolts that broke off from my exhaust...I finally got my new exhaust hooked up and sounding nice! I've been driving it for about a week and today it rained extremely hard...I pull into my driveway for about 30 mins and get ready to go to my summer class, well, when I get back into my car...It starts up fine and I take off to my class which is about 20 mins away...As I pull into the parking lot and turn off the car I realize I was in a staffing parking section, as I go to turn on the car...To my surprise...IT DOESNT TURN! Not even a small crank or a spark...not only do I have to deal with a boring lecture for 3 hours but my car doens't start :o/ I was wondering, could water have gotten into a wire or my distibutor and temporarily immobilized it? Or do I just need a new starter?


ANy advice or suggestions would be helpful, thanks!

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I would take the battery terminals off and clean them real well and put them down and tighten them. If that doesn't work jump the two terminals on your starter to see if it works. If it does then connect a 12+ source to the little terminal on you solenoid. If all that works then it might be fuse, fusible link, or ignition switch. Good luck

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