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Interesting GNose

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Well If anyone KNOWS where Les Heath is' date=' they will get a hansome reward in locating and getting back to me MY Gnose and custom tail light panel I loaned him in Spring 2002 so he could pull a mold...


Far as I'm concerned the guy stole it from me at this point. In 2005 I haven't heard a PEEP from him since FALL 2002... If you guys run across him anywhere, I'd like to know about it.


Hoover, I'd be in for chipping in on a mold setup.





Now that one really gets me pissed.

I hate thieves and people that are dishonest.

I've heard that name somewhere before. Maybe down in the Los Angeles area from the Motorsport Show?

Where is he located and does he go by any other name and own a shop?



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Hoover, Les is a nomad as of late... He was living in Georgia about an hour north of Atlanta, out near Road Atlanta. His relationship with his girlfriend tanked, and he ended up moving up to Tidewater Va in early 2002. I'd met him in 2001 when I drove to Atlanta to get the Gnose I bought from a guy down there. Les shows up in Early 2002 and starts talking on this board about doing fiberglass work in the navy and wanting to make new glass for Zs. He asked me to borrow the Gnose and a ONE OFF fiberglass rear taillight panel with an integrated spoiler (Of which I've never seen another, truly a one off deal that was ubber slick!). I loaded them to him, because he really wanted to get this glass business off the ground. I was hoping he was the real deal, as I was thinking about investing in a business with him and me being the money guy and him running the creations/ building side of the Fiberglass parts business. Then in September 2002 he dropped off the face of the planet. I got one phone call through to him before his nextel service was cancelled and he was working in some plant in Oklahoma. That was it... I've heard nothing since and I have no leads.


I could find this guy through work, but I'd likely draw some attention in calling in some favors. This is very personal to me, because I let this guy into my home and treated him like family. All he had to do was tell me where the parts were... He didn't even OWN a Zcar at the time! I'd have driven wherever to get them and be on with my life...


Your guess is as good as mine as to where he is right now... he could be in California, or anywhere... I know his father was in poor health down in Tidewater Va. area, but who knows... I got that address and someone actually checked the home out for me and found nothing related to Zs. Oh well...


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your car is awesome!!


all your pics kick ***

im out



Thanks for the kind words - I let my panelbeater (my bro) know also good to get positive feedback. My car has a long way to go yet.


RacerX - excellent pics. I love to see pics from your collection along with AlanT's and others just love to see Z racecars + ZG's. Anyone have pics of a ZG with a GT40 type twin stripe - save me the time in learning how to put one on a photo using photoshop or GIMP.

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