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Black stuff on the floor panels ???


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Im gutting my car, and i cant remove the black stuff ( looks like solid roof cement) of the floor panels, is there a special way to work it ? im using a knife and screw driver, major PITA. Can i put some paint striper or anything on it?

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Did the same to my car and a friend kept suggesting using some dry ice to get it cold and brittle then chip it away. When i got to it, mine was coming off easy enough (winter, kinda early morning) with a chisel and a lot of scraping action. Either way the work sucks, but give the dry ice a try.

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Here is how I removed the stuff from the inside of my car:


I used a wide metal scraper and a hair dryer. Simply put the scraper against a free edge of the material at a low angle of attack, and apply a little force. Simultaneously, heat the material just ahead of the scraper until it just begins to soften. As soon as the stuff starts to soften, the blade of the scraper will easily slide between the metal and the black goo.


Using this method, I was able to remove all of the material from the inside of my car in about two hours.


Things to remember:


Keep the blade as flat as possible.

Don't heat the stuff to a liquid. Just apply enough heat to soften it up. If you liquify it, you will have a gooey mess.


After you are finished with the scraper, you will still have a light residue of the black tar. This will wipe off quite easily with mineral spirits. After you wipe it with mineral spirits, rewipe with a paint prep solvent, and you will be ready for paint.





PS. This method also works for removing under coating.

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Guest iskone

I just worked on mine on hot days after rolling her in the sun for a while. I found that chilling works but makes lots of chips thatt require more force to get loose. I cleaned with Xylene, worked great.


Oh, and I used chisels. Metal scrappers were to plaiable for me.



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