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Okay, here's a question that hasn't been asked on Hybrid Z


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Guest ON3GO

i always crack up to that one line in Austin Powers..


"nice outfit, you part of the show.."

"No, im English'ish"

"oh... im sorry"


hahahahaha sorry but all that above made me think of that.



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Sooo..., is there any other letter that is pronounced other than what you see?


Just about all of them, surely?


American "Zee" also has a couple of letters in its phonetic pronuniciation that you can't see, doesn't it?


How about B = "Bee", C = "See", D = "Dee", F = "Eff", G = "Gee", H = "Aitch", I = "Eye", J = "Jay" .............. X = "Ex", Y = "Why"......


What's the alternative? "Aaaaa", "Bbbbb", "Ccccc", "Mmmm", "Nnnn".... "Zzzzz" etc?


Alan T. ( "Tee")

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You might find this interesting:



"As usual in most of these matters, it's we the people of the US that changed it, not the other way around. "Zed" comes from the original Greek zeta via Old French zede, and pretty much all English speakers worldwide pronounce it that way. The reason we don't is because we had a pretty major falling out with the people that did, and in the aftermath, seized on dialectical nuances and amplified them. The last thing an American wanted to sound like after the Revolution was an Englishman, or vice-versa. Not that it was an intentional alteration, but there was a regional dialect in the US (and, it must be said, in parts of England) that pronounced it zee (as there were others that pronounced it zad, zard, ezod, izzard, and uzzard), and this was one difference in the vocabulary which was seized upon by post-George III America."


Man, can you imagine someone calling your car an "izzard" or "uzzard"!?


"Lye's New Spelling Book (1677) was the first to list "zee" as a correct pronunciation, and it was pretty much firmed up by Webster, who, like grammarians all over the former Empire, wanted to put the kibosh on all this "izzard" nonsense, and decreed "it is pronounced zee" (1827)."


I'll take the Webster 1827 version, thanks!


Why the "Englishish" say that Z is pronounced "Zed", but B, C, D, G, P, T, V are "Bee", "See", "Dee", "Jee", "Pee", "Tee", and "Vee" has never made any sense to me. But what do I know, I'm just an uncultured colonist! ;)


This is TOO funny:


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  • 1 month later...

I know I dug this up from the past.


But I made a certain observation at the 2005 Z Car Convention Banquet that is apropos:


During his speech, every time Mr. K. said "Z car" (a term he uses quite often in his speeches, I might add!), he pronounced the last letter of the English alphabet as "Zee".


Since he's the father of the Z, I'll take that as gospel ;).


Just kidding guys, I'm fully aware that he was saying it that way since the convention was held in the US, and most of the people in the audience are from the US.


Just thought I'd poke a bit more fun at this one ...

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How did I miss this thread? I'm ROFL!!!


I call it Hybrid ZEE, but mostly just Hybrid. Then again, I'm another one of those damn 1776 insurgents.


My wife calls it, "That damn web site you can't leave alone for just one day".


My son calls it, "Dad, I was on first". Or,"When are you going to get off so I can go to my Lego site".


Zed, in English... err 'Merican, sounds too much like sled. And I don't want people to associate my car with a sled.


Hybrids? I never saw that.

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