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My head hurts...


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So we've met with contracts officers, primary contractors, benefit planners, and a CPA. We have a meeting next week with an attorney. And everyone is telling us there is simply no reason NOT to do this business thing I mentioned last week.


All signs point to full steam ahead. Looks as if the profit margin is going to be up there... Gross annual is going to be $225,000 Per employee (2 employees at this time) at a base annual hour total of 1800. That covers all Gov't Holidays and leaves 6 weeks for leave. This is very common in my work environment. At an assumed cost of 32% for all tier 1 benefits/ taxes/ perks/ 401K plan, that leaves about $150K to pay each employee AND put towards the business. Very interesting numbers and my head is hurting.


We'll know more once a contract is on the table.



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