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L28E Rebuild Ideas


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Ok, everyone here is gonna hate me, but honestly, I searched.


I've pretty much decicded I'm going to keep my 81' ZX and use it as a daily driver until and when I get a REAL project going. BUT with gas prices.....


Well, I realised the other day that I get better gas milage then 3 of the 4 other cars in front of our house. So, it's not THAT bad (19-21 around town... once got 23 by keeping the RPM under 2.5k)


BUT.... that's not great. My other dilema is that I'd like more power... I know, i'm picky. I was thinking if I invest some cash into flywheel/clutch and drive shaft that could make the car much more responsive.


I also kinda wich I had more cargo space so I've been considering tearing out all the rear interior and making some custom interior (sister is a A++ faberic MASTA. I'll pay her with frappachinos).


Ok, so checklist


1) Use less gas


2) Get some more punch


3) More cargo/power ratio



I think that's it. I'll probly have to rebuild the engine anyways, since it's STILL starting rough dispite ALL my efforts. So, I need to overhaul this puppy anyways.


The OTHER option........ I was looking at maybe selling it any buying a CRX. Sure, it wouldn't have as much power, but it would have a tad more cargo space (trust me, i grew up in a CRX) and get way better gas mileage then I'd ever get out of a L28 (or am I wrong... please say I'm wrong).. BUT, no fun factor, even if it had 200HP.


Also keep in mind..... I'm a guitar player, a very serious guitar player... I've been contemplating how to modify my back end to accomidate a 4x12 cab. And my first 4x12 cab purchase might revolve around this car's butt.


Now, HOPEFULLY, once I've got a job... time spent will be more of an issue than money. (I've got a job lined up, the company is just SMALL and isn't sure if they want to hire just yet. but the job IS mine. Making way too much money with no commute (flex time working at home))

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IMO there is not much you can do to the engine without sacrificing the 20 + mileage. I am going to a 240 sx throttle body and less restricted muffler and hoping this mod maintains the fuel mileage status quo..You may try an earlier tranny and a 4.11 diff out of 240 SX but in the long run this modification may require more fuel unless you put a restraining block under the gas pedal. Vehicle power appears to be a luxury in the future.My prediction gas prices will never go down unless we take over the oil fieds for our own use. I went to a car cruise a couple weeks back. A number of the cars appeared to have been trailered in and then cruised for a few hours. It has been a number of years since a Z car was my daily driver and every day I see less and less used daily in my area..

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Hehe. SO, you people are complaining about the gas prices. How much is it for a gallon nowadays? Here in Norway we use liters, not gallons. I think 1 gallon is about 4 liters? Anyway, a liter with gas costs 11-12 kroners over here. 12 kroners is almost 2 dollars. So take 2 dollars, multiply by four, and you have our price per gallon. Its about 8 dollars. Say 7 dollars then. But still, I think that is more than what you pay? Hehe

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Yea, In england I think it's about $6 USD compared to our $3 a gallon.


If I had a larger tank it wouldn't bother me so much. The idea that my sister's camry will go to LA with one tank with a smaller tank, more cargo space, and more power than my car just sickens me.


I dunno, maybe I should just suck it up and eat the gas price. Or just plan on putting a 4 banger in there eventually.

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Guest corganx33

I'd say get two 2 - 2 x 12 cabs so you can manuever them easier. The half stacks are a pain in the *** anyway to haul around unless you have a van.


Lets you not worry about transportation as much.

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This is a good point....


...except for ONE thing....


...Two cabs have a higher resonate frequency vs one single 4x12. Oh, and I guess there's a second thing. Not as many companies make good 2x12 cabs. Although I could always make them myself.


Hmm, maybe I could install a tow hitch on my Z and get a little trailer.

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Ok, I think I know what I'm going to do.


1) Paint, If i'm gonna keep it the surface rust needs to come off ASAP!


2) Fix my start/fuel issues.


3) Replace clutch & flywheel to give me more engine responce


4) Intake and Exhast (probly opt for a larger throttle body, maybe change the injectors, and modify the air box and somehow keep it legal)


5) Install a tow hitch (for carrying a SMALL trailer for those loads that just don't seem to fit)


6) 'IF' I'm still unhappy at this point with the gas milage I'll figure out a way to change the final gear ratio, weather through the tranny or the rear end, maybe both. Maybe a 6 speed... mmm, overkill maybe. So stock is 3.545 i think, and I'd shoot for something closer to 3.15 to get freeway 80mph cruise down to 2200rpm or so.


Now, you might think "don't change the clutch and fly if you're gonna change the tranny." Well, just so you get an idea of my time table, paint is probly still 6-10 months away. Tranny would be at least a year after that, if I even do it. I like the idea of figuring what to swap the rear end out with, although the tranny probly needs a rebuild anyways since the syncros need to be replaced.


So, flaws, thoughts, suggestions? I can't find any cars in the same price range that have the same mpg ability in the same tow/power potencial that are still fun cars (read, RWD). I could always get an 80's toyota pick up but that just makes me want to vomit. So odds are, i'm keeping this car for some time yet.

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