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The official S30's in action thread - video


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Well as ya guys know I had my old video..


HERE is the NEW ONE!!


I scrapped the old one.. and started all over again, don't have hardcore screamo music.. this time a softer band...


I also have LESS track time, more of me goofing around, and some interesting editing... going from INSIDE the car, then OUTSIDE..


SOO without further adeu....


280Z turbo compilation, final! watch the ending! LoL

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Some info about videos and Codecs while we are here.


1) Don't be stupid and post videos of you or others that may incriminate anyone...duh.


2) There are tons of different coding methods used to make videos. I use the latest ACE Mega Codecs Pack. It is a large file but I have never found a video it can't play. It comes with the Classic Media Player which is good; "no frills", and it will play quicktime and realplayer stuff with no hassles.



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