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So sick of our local Post Office

Guest bastaad525

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Guest bastaad525

Okay guys sorry but I need to rant to somebody.


Lately I've been buying a lot of stuff from people/companies over seas, and usually the only shipping methods I am offered are either like air mail or EMS. EMS equates to Express Mail over here which has to be signed for and is guaranteed to arrive by a certain time within a certain amount of days... it's one of the most expensive shipping methods next to like Next Day Air or Second Day Air.


I always go with the EMS because this method provides a tracking number which I prefer, and of course it's nice to get the stuff faster. But on the other hand, I do wish it didn't mean always having to sign for the package, and here's why.....


Our postman is a lazy good-for-nothing bastard. He must always been in some big hurry to get thru his day, because never, NEVER, will he actually come to our door and knock to attempt to deliver my packages. I always get that stupid pink slip in the mail "we attempted delivery". Yeah?? Well I'm home all day... bastard. I work graveyard shift so am home during the day. He never knocks. He never calls up from the intercom (this is an apartment building). Always just the little pink slip in the mailbox. So basically he is FORCING me to have to pick my packages up... because if I let them attempt RE delivery... well how you can call it RE if you never ATTEMPTED in the first place is beyond me.


And now, this time it was actually something really important that I paid extra to be sure I got it before the week was out. And I have called the post office and spoke with a supervisor and complained and actually called regarding THIS PARTICULAR package. I called first thing in the morning and she told me "well we don't have it yet" and I'm like "hmmm well I tracked it on the computer and it says you do" "well then it's out with the carrier and will be delivered shortly".


Time goes by, no one ever shows... I can't wait by the mailbox all damn day.


Sure enough, go check the mail at about 5pm and there's that damn little pink slip.


I am so very pissed right now... Now I will not get the package until monday. And you better believe when I get down there first thing monday morning SOMEONE is gonna get yelled at. I'm so sick of this. They better come up with some thing, some way that I will never have to go pick up a package again. Either leave in my box w/o me needing to sign it, leave it with the apartment manager, or get a new damn postman that is actually willing TO DO HIS MOTHER F'IN JOB!!!!



Rant over.

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OK, you need to speak personally to the Postmaster General and file a formal complaint. You need to do it with a level head and in a polite manner. You can tell him about the situation and then ask him to resolve the situation. Ask him what will be done and when (date) that it will be resolved. Thank him for his time. If you don't get satisfaction and find this problem reocurring, file another complaint---this will make for some serious paperwork and a file on the postman. If it does not get resolved in a reasonable amount of time by the second complaint, find out who you need to go to above the postmaster general's head---it'll help, after this second complaint, to politely ask the postmaster himself who that might be.


This will take time, but I have had pretty good success with the postmaster in the past--they want to keep their jobs too.


The nice thing is, you can test the situation and let the postmaster know that you be doing so because you have packages routinely sent to your home address. Being there all the time during PO hours is an excellent touch BTW.


Now do the right thing.



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the carrier has a boss.


if you go to local post office, ask for the postmaster.


unless the carrier is the brother in law he wanted off his couch, the post master will send a manager to your house.


a sticker is placed on your mail box ( inside ) as well as several of your neighbor's, this informs the carrier that you are part of a quality study. from time to time, the post office management will contact you with a survey regarding the quality of the job the post office is doing.



neighbor went to local office ( they do not know him there ), filed a complaint. substitute carrier was crushing magazines, mail at wrong addresses.


note sub carrier was not a training, he has 15 yrs. he is back up for our regular carrier, she is his. reg carrier took temp transfer, back up carrier was our carrier for 3 months.


he had same issues on his regular route. crumpled mail, wrong addresses, missing houses ( get a week's worth of mail on one day ).


he just didn't give a rat's behind, he worked in an area of poor people, few ever complained.


a sticker was placed in neighbor's mail box. carrier chose to ignore it.


the neighbors were surveyed, carrier was suspended for a week, no pay.


one of my neighbors is a manager at a different office.


i had a sticker in my mail box, asked him what it was for, i didn't get surveyed.


in checking to see why we had stickers, found the carrier had been suspended for a week no pay and moved to another route.


sometimes the system works.

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If it were me, FIRST thing I would do is waste a day of my life and actually wait by the mail box. Well, a short distance away, within eye and earshot. It will be a horible waste of time and cause a lack of sleep.. you'll want some food and coffe with you.. (do it after a shift when you have a day off following) You know the dick isn't going to even try to deliver the package, so when he walks up to stick the piece of paper in your box, just walk up to him and ask why the hell he isn't doing his job? If he gets too irate, that's cool, let it go. Sign for your package, and go into the post office the next day. Explain what happened and ask why you should have to put up with it. :lol: That's just me though..

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Guest bastaad525
If it were me, FIRST thing I would do is waste a day of my life and actually wait by the mail box. Well, a short distance away, within eye and earshot. It will be a horible waste of time and cause a lack of sleep.. you'll want some food and coffe with you.. (do it after a shift when you have a day off following) You know the dick isn't going to even try to deliver the package, so when he walks up to stick the piece of paper in your box, just walk up to him and ask why the hell he isn't doing his job? If he gets too irate, that's cool, let it go. Sign for your package, and go into the post office the next day. Explain what happened and ask why you should have to put up with it. :lol: That's just me though..



Okay maybe this reflects badly on me as a person, but I like this suggestion most of all :D


But yeah since I'm gonna be there on monday, and am not sure when I am going to be getting another package... so yeah I'm going to ask to speak with the postmaster general tommorow, and will ask about that survey sticker, if only in the hopes that if they put one of those stickers in my box the delivery guy will get the hint and figure out he better start coming to my door. And if not, well then either they'll survey me and I'll tell them he sucks or I'll be back talking to the postmaster telling them he sucks.


Thanks for the level headed answers guys... this has been just about the most pissed off I've been in months if not all year.

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Don't personally confront the carrier. He can easily claim you threatened him and now you're dealing with the postal cops. If you're lucky the only thing that will happen after the mail cops do their investigation is that the post office will not deliver mail to your home anymore. Write letters and go through the chain of command.

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Don't personally confront the carrier. He can easily claim you threatened him and now you're dealing with the postal cops. If you're lucky the only thing that will happen after the mail cops do their investigation is that the post office will not deliver mail to your home anymore. Write letters and go through the chain of command.


This more sound advice and it should be heeded. DO NOT ever get confrontational with your postman--he is a government employee and they back him. Use the chain of command and do it the correct way, file the complaint and keep a diary of what you have been going through and what you are doing about it.



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I battled poor delivery for a few years. I was getting mis-delivered mail almost every day. My mail would arrive with markings indicating it had been mis-delivered before it got to me. I started making copies of all the mistakes. I went to the Postmaster showed him the copies, but no change. I went a second time to the Postmaster and again no change (claimed he'd never heard about it before, almost wet himself when I handed him the stack of paper I given him the last time). I then contacted the Post Office Regional Office and told them what was going on. It took two followup calls, but it sure solved the problem, I rarely get wrong mail now.


The key to success is to have evidence. Keep the pink cards and and a log showing you were home. It's one thing to claim it happened, it's another to show it happened. Go to the Postmaster, be calm but firm, and request an investigation as to why this keeps occurring. If nothing happens follow up with the Postmaster on more time. If still nothing happens go to the Regional Supervisor.


That's what worked for me. It turned out they were short staffed (Postmaster trying to make points) and the carriers didn't have the proper amount of time to sort the mail. The carrier actually thanked me for making the complaint to the regional Supervisor. It made his life better.


- Joe

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Have a friend send a package to you so you know when to expect it. Hell even plan it for when you have time. Wait around with a video camera out of site. That way you can film him not even calling your apartment and him just leaving the pink slip. Then you have nice proof that he is lazy. I get all my packages sent to my work now. Cause ups would always do the same thing and never come to the door. People are just too damned lazy.

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