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The #1 import oil supplier to the U.S is...

Guest John Adkins

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Guest John Adkins





The US imported more oil from Canada during the last three years than Saudi Arabia (#2). Mexico was just a little bit behind Saudi Arabia at #3. What shocks me is that Iraq is still #6, even though we have been ready to go to war with Iraq for more than a year...


I don't understand why the media makes it out that we are so dependent on the Middle East for oil, like we would lose all our oil imports if there was major turmoil there. I guess because US oil companies have such big investments in infrastructure over there that they want our govt. to protect their interests.


The US should just import more oil from Canada, Mexico, Venezuela and other countries NOT in the Middle East. Probably not that simple though...

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Iraq, Kuwait and Saudi Arabia contain 45% of the world's known oil reserves. Saudi Arabia is one of the few countries with excess pumping capacity so they can make prices go up or down by shifting production.


Also I don't think the US oil companies own much of anything over there any more. We are more like contractors hired to help them process oil.

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Originally posted by John Adkins:

..,The US should just import more oil from Canada, Mexico, Venezuela and other countries NOT in the Middle East. Probably not that simple though...

You can ix-ney Venezuela off the top of the list. As about two months ago the International Bankers refused to cut Venezuela any slack on the renewal of their Bank loans; as a result Venezuela's 3000 barrels of oil per day has gone to "0" as in the Big Goose Egg-notta.


Prior to their economy taking a nose-dive, half of their 3000 barrels went to America; thus the excuse that our alleged increase in gas prices at the pump has been contributed partially to the lack of Venezuela's 1500 barrels of oil, of which the US is no longer receiving.


Venezuela's economy has hit rock bottem & their citizens have threatened Civil War if their current Presidential Admin does not step down.


Funny thing is I've only seen Fox News comment on Venezuela's current economy a couple of times; guess it wouldnt help the world to see bad news, economy-wise, when our own markets are somewhat soft with our own war on the horizon.



(Yea,Still an Inliner)

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Guest Anonymous

Fox news is one of the few news sorces that arnt so liberal that they support dictorial regimes. There for they can comment on it with out breaking thier subconcious vow of liberalism and thus revealing thier true nature of domination. Im sure Tom and Dan turn green and wondered how they can report that and violate the (unwritten) liberal media policy.


Ok and here is a rant .....


I had a Gov't teacher at the University of North Texas that had us relate conservatism->liberalism, order->chaos, and democracy -> dictatorship. THE WHOLE CLASS (excluding the teacher who said she was a liberal and wanted gov't control of everyones lives) had thier charts set up in that fashion. Needless to say she tried to tell us we were all wrong and was unable to prove it to anyones satifaction and was reprimanded eventually by the dean.




Conservatism ..............................................Liberalism

Order ...............................................................Chaos




BTW UNT is the no.1 public music school in the country and has a huge drama and media school and is very liberal generally speaking. Or at least it was when I went.


An yes my right and left are backwards .....oops

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