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HELP!!! rear cross member bushing replacement

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Hi fellow Z-ers,

I have just broken my rear cross member bushing s and have not been able to find replacements for them. I was wondering if some of you have had a similar experience but was able to solve this problem with finding generic replacements.... I'm hoping to find something that would bolt-on directly and save on customing or machining stuff.

i hope someone can give me a quick fix solution and solve my problem in time for me to join a autox on the 20th!! hihihhi :)

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I paid $20 for a set of urethane bushings from Energy Suspension (I bought them separately, not as a part of a set). They are a direct bolt in, you just have to burn/boil out the old bushings


I don't know how easily you'd be able to get them in Malasya though

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thanx for the tip auxiliry...i know that energy suspension makes a great product but the problem is that i cannot get them here nor will their dealers send them down to me for a reasonable price. If we were talking a couple a hundred bucks i would gladly pay, but they asking for both my arms and legs for just a few bushings not even the full kit!!! oh well... i guess its beck to finding a customizer to get this done then. thanx again.

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thanx for the tip auxiliry...i know that energy suspension makes a great product but the problem is that i cannot get them here nor will their dealers send them down to me for a reasonable price. If we were talking a couple a hundred bucks i would gladly pay, but they asking for both my arms and legs for just a few bushings not even the full kit!!! oh well... i guess its beck to finding a customizer to get this done then. thanx again.


I'm sure that there are plenty of people on tis forum that will help you out. If you have a paypal account I would be happy to order from Summit and ship it to you.

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