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Weighed my Dash tonight.


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We'll see. My only concern is that the inside of the dash cap was smooth and doesn't give much to grip from the matting/ resin. This might not be sufficient for day in' date=' day out street car duty. Another alternative would be spray foam inside the areas around the underside fo the dash.


Spray foam is an excellent idea! Foam, before expansion, has great wetting. Keep in mind the expansion coefficient while you are spraying. I know there are some foams that have less than 5% expansion while others have 1000% (yes, 10 times!). One thing you may want to try is to use an abraision tool on the underside of your dash cap to mar the surface for better adhesion. -0.02

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You guys won't believe this... The resin took FOUR days to dry. Something was up there for sure... Anyway, I spent the weekend battling leaves... Didn't do much of anything in the garage. I hope to focus more time on it Thursday or Friday. Right now I'm busy Tuesday through Thursday morning. Owning your own company can be crazy...



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