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List your 1/4 ET's & MPH and car specs

S15 200sx owner

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Hey thanks guys, I didnt relize that there was a time slip page, Not a smart man! :wink:


Wow, there is certainly some fast Z's around, never really been that keen on the 1/4 mile, but since i've been building the Z i have been getting really keen, and am looking forward to getting in front of that xmas tree and seeing what it'll do!


Clint T

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No sweat Clint. I've been on this site for a while and didn't realize it was there for a while as well! How's the RB build coming along? Close to spinning that sucker up yet? Keep us posted.


One thing about the timeslip database... I don't see Thumpers entry. Hmmmm... Oh that's right, only something that can run under a 20sec 1/4 can post there. HAHAHAHA. Right back at ya!!!

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