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Ole Blue Z wont be getting done for awhile now.. so upset!

Guest ON3GO

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So apparently you didn't wash the head and the block when they came back from the machinist... is that right? You need to THOROUGHLY wash any part that goes to the machinist with soap and hot water.


Sorry to hear about your problems though. Hopefully you can still use what you've got. I'm with Dr Hunt when he suggests a full tear down.

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Guest 73Turbo240z
So apparently you didn't wash the head and the block when they came back from the machinist... is that right? You need to THOROUGHLY wash any part that goes to the machinist with soap and hot water.


Sorry to hear about your problems though. Hopefully you can still use what you've got. I'm with Dr Hunt when he suggests a full tear down.


i can't speak for mikes initial build, but i can speak for the second time it had to go to a machine shop... the second time was to fix a head stud being crooked from the 1st machine shop that mike took it too and they royally messed it up.


the second time it was at a machine shop it never actually got machined, they ended up having to heat and bend cause the 1st machine shop heli-coiled it like crap and it was going to be damn near impossible to get 100% straight again. so any aluminum in the engine has to have come from machine shop 1's work. i believe they did a full valvejob on the engine...

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all you need to do is get in ol' Blue and comandeer a tow job around the block


Back when I first got my Z, before I got rid of it for many years, it was down and I was depressed as hell I couldnt drive it. Didnt know what was wrong, etc.. and a friend said "I'll take you for a ride man, c'mon" We went outside, I got in the Z, he got in an 89 Mazda 323, got behind me and pushed me around the neighborhood for like 20 minutes. It was some funny shyte.. but it really did perk me right up.


Good your sticking with it man very good. I wish ya the best of luck.

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