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New Property Owner?


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As a follow up to this thread- http://forums.hybridz.org/showthread.php?t=106089


It turns out that there is a new owner of this property, and i was wondering howto find out who? Could i also call the old owner of the car, and get the title, and tell the new owner of the land that this is my car, and then tow it off there property?

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You need a friend at the county court house... several possible angles.


If this was a tax lien sale, you may be able to get the winning bidders name etc. from the people at the county who held the sale.


The tax assessor's office may have a map which ties street addresses to parcel numbers; they may also have the new owners name and address for tax purposes. If not, perhaps they can give you a parcel number, and the registrar's office may be able to help you find who holds that parcel. Don't know if these terms hold nationwide, but you get the idea. Happy hunting.

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