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The boost bug that is...


I think I'm getting really sick. I was looking at my stripped down block, and actually had the nerve to ask my mechanic to polish up my main water pump passeges... whatever he could see.




I was looking in there, and I saw all kinds of very rough casting marks, and thought it would restrict water flow, thus making my water pump work harder, thus using MY!!! hp to drive the darn thing!! Is that over the top or what?


Ahhh the bottom end looks like jewlery now.. nice and shiny.. no rough edges.hehehe


My mechanic is pretty cool, knows his Z's, and is friendly enough to put up with my crazy ideas, suggestions, and requests for more power.


I thought 7-10 psi with no I/C would be enough.. but NNNNNOOOOOOOO!!!!


I had to get sick and turn it up to 15psi.. then decided I needed an I/C.. cool that ought to do it. But NNNNNOOOOOOOO!!!!!


I had to turn it up to 18 now.. and now it spikes almost 20 briefly...


I may need my new engine quicker than I planned if I keep this up..


Man.. I may need a girlfriend to keep me from spending all my money on my car!! or killing myself!! or both..hehehehe bonk.gif

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Guest Anonymous

Ahh, but find the right woman, and having no money will be no problem it'll occur naturally, and if for some strange reason it doesnt, have a few kids and buy a huge house, that'll do it everytime. :D





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Guest LIghtningZ

Damn it we need 25 p.s.i.of boost feed intravenously STAT!!! cuss.gif Oh, wait a minute that would give him an embolism?? ugg.gif Well anywho that'll cure anyones problems STAT bonk.giftwak.gif LOL. Damn it JIM i'm a mechanic not a DOCTOR!!! P.s. i guess i shouldn't mention that we used to pump 40 p.s.i. :rolleyes: into the Cummins turbo diesel on a regular basis!! :eek::eek::eek: Oops!!

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Guest Anonymous

LightninZ what turbo did you use to do that? Didn't the stock holset turbo's put out about 20 lbs stock? Just curious (that must have been one world towing diesel btw).





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Damn it we need 25 p.s.i.of boost feed intravenously STAT!!! Oh, wait a minute that would give him an embolism??
Embolism? Is that what's wrong with me? bonk.gif . I am currently running 24psi and feel I can squeeze out a couple more.


Scott, DO NOT FIGHT IT, ENJOY IT!! Just do it safely. No, not a condom, RACE GAS and a LOT of tuning.

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My name is scott and i'm a boost-a-holic. cry2.gif I was the same way rated i started as you did then moved up to 9 with no ic and stock pop off valve.Then all hell broke loose when i got an ic and i haven't been the same since. twak.gif Since then i have spent alot of money making more boost and more power.My lady is very understanding i am lucky to have such a nice and understanding one.They don't come too often so you have to hang on as hard as you can. :D Since my intro to turbos i have tried to turbo just about everything i have,I'm hooked too ;)

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Guest LIghtningZ

Lone heres the answer to the 40psi question... Gale Banks Impeller and housing, Big Head waste gate actuator and some minor adjustments to the Fuel injection pump on a twelve valve or computer adjustments with the newer 24 valve engines... you know for some reason the boost hoses just didn't seam to want to stay on :eek: ??? LOL you also learned to read your pyrometer and boost gauges like your life depended on it!! Sometimes diesels are fun to Hotrod to!!! 2thumbs.gif

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Guest LIghtningZ

P.S. we did use the stock dodge compressor and with the newer 24valve engines we usually got about 400HP and about 600ftlb!!! :D

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Guest Anonymous

I donno, my new signatures might be :


"Hows life treating me? Like I sleept with its underage daughter.."


:D ,




Ps: Dang 660 ft/lbs of torque, man, lets see I'll just tow my boat, my 5th wheel and my car and a bike trailer. Haha.. (I actually knew a guy with a class 1 license a OTR driver than used a Ram w/ cummins and pulled a fifth wheel and his boat with it, worked great, course he had it boosted pretty well and put another pill in it)

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  • 1 month later...
Guest Fast Frog

Hee hee


You're now a full fledge member of addicted speed freaks bonk.gif I'm pushing 60 yrs old and still can't go fast enough!! eek2.gif Cept I want to spend my $$$$$$ on other things now-like retirement :(

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