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Teacher accused of raping student while class watched

By Deanna Boyd

Star-Telegram Staff Writer


FORT WORTH - A substitute teacher was arrested Thursday on a warrant accusing him of raping a 14-year-old girl in a Horizons Alternative School classroom while other students watched.


Police began investigating Franklin David Lawson, 21, on Wednesday after a woman told the school's principal what her son said he had witnessed last week. Lawson was arrested at his home in Fort Worth and taken to the Mansfield Jail. Bail was set at $75,000.


"Quite honestly, initially the details were such we were a little skeptical until we talked to all the parties involved," said Fort Worth police Sgt. Dave Stamp, supervisor of the Crimes Against Children Unit. "Then skepticism turned into shock."


When officers first questioned the girl, she denied that an assault took place but later said it had occurred, Stamp said.


"She was initially embarrassed to talk to anybody about it," he said.


Stamp said statements by other students in the classroom match the girl's account.


"They're all very consistent, the terminology as well as the details of the offense," he said.


Lawson was assigned on Jan. 23 to be a substitute at the alternative school for students with discipline problems. Stamp said Lawson walked into the classroom and found two boys playing with the girl in a sexual manner in a space between a bookshelf and a wall.


According to the students, Stamp said, Lawson asked the boys whether they were trying to have sex with the girl, then told them that he would show them how it's done.


The students who were in the classroom told police that Lawson told the girl to bend over, pulled down her pants and his own, and raped her.


"Because she is a student and he is a teacher in a position of authority, she may have been intimidated by the fact," Stamp said.


About seven students witnessed the incident but did nothing to stop it or report it, Stamp said. The substitute teacher told students in the classroom not to tell anyone about it, Stamp said.


"It's just hard to believe there were so many people present, and nobody took action to stop the assault or notify school staff, and we had to learn about it through a third person," he said.


Fort Worth school district officials declined to comment on the specifics, saying they are cooperating with police on an open investigation.


Cecilia Speers, the district's director of student affairs, said the substitute teacher "no longer is employed with the district."


Police said they believe that Lawson began teaching in the district in August, but school personnel officials could not immediately confirm how long he had been employed.

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I had seen alittle bit of information on the TV but, had not gotten any details. Thanks for posting.


I wonder what mind set these kids are in that they would allow something like that to happen infront of them. I wonder if they even thought it was wrong or just something cool the teacher did? You know teenage minds are sometimes cloudy on what is right and wrong when they see someone like a teacher doing soemthing like this.


It makes me mad that I will have to think about stuff like that happening when my children go to school and grow up.

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I believe that innocent until proven guilty, should be the first thing to come to mind whenever somebody is accused. I don't think we have any facts that prove anything, here. Theoretically, these seven students could have fabricated and rehearsed this story, cause they didn't like this teacher, or maybe he insisted they do their homework. It seems farfetched that this guy rapes a girl in front of a classroom, not really your everyday rapist kind of thing to do. Aren't rapists are usually cowards. Questions, I would like to ask: Was there any signs of struggle(ie. torn clothing, scratches or bruises), any physical evidence of intercourse(fluids etc.).


I had a friend who lost his job as a fastfood manager, cause of allegations of sexual harassment, from a younger female employee that just didn't like him.

I once got accused of something similar from a young girl cause I insisted that she do her job in a consistent manner, fortunately my manager also listened to me before he took rash action.

Another member on this board also had his life take a wrong turn cause of allegations.

This teacher is really gonna be screwed regardless of whether he did it or not, and regardless of whether he gets convicted or not.


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I`m sure a competent defense attorney could sort throught he BS with each one of the students under cross examination.

If all of their storys are worded exactly the same and sound rehearsed, they could be dismissed as incredible.

If the story is fabricated, someone will slip up, but IF their story holds up, and He`s convicted. I think he should be strung up with a meat hook through his BAG. twak.gif

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A competant Gynocologist will be able to sort this out. They can tell if the sex was forced and about how long ago it occured. There may also be other physical evidence to prove or disprove the stories. I've not followed the external links or read up on this over what's above but from the looks of it the teacher doesn't seem to be denying the act or that they're simply convicting him in the press - a nearly daily occurance BTW.


I too know of others falsely accused who have had no end of hell trying to clear their names. I tend to be very skeptical until the whole process is done....

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