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Doest this beat all Cop shoots military man


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Situations similar to this usually result in the officer claiming that he "felt" threatened. I know, I know...(I can hear it already), but if this is the job you choose willingly, knowing what the job entails, then occasional "fear" is part of the job, and not an excuse.


Not nearly so tragic, here in Arkansas, 3 officers lost a lawsuit because they impounded questionable vehicles during traffic stops because numbers didn't match (theft case issues). So when the owners request of due process and unreasonable search were voiced, the cars suddenly became tied up for months in "processing" and were returned dismantled and the owners were left with no recourse other than a lawsuit (It's one thing to do your job, it's another to simply screw someone because you can)

Through the years, I have (and have) had some very gratifying personal relationships with members of the law enforcement community, which makes it a shame when I see things like this happen, and then the "organization" claims that no wrong doing was done. As a kid, I grew up thinking (and respecting the law) that the law was here to protect and to serve the good of the public, but somewhere along the line to adulthood, my observations of reality pointed to the law as self protecting and self serving, with an "us verses them" mentality, and I hate that has happened. It's too bad we cannot provide a good wage for these guys and then separate those who do a good job in spirit and in letter, from those who have nothing in it other than a paycheck, and simply enjoying the "high" of exercising their poorly appointed authority over others. Do I sound bitter? Perhaps I've said too much already.

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As a kid, I grew up thinking (and respecting the law) that the law was here to protect and to serve the good of the public, but somewhere along the line to adulthood, my observations of reality pointed to the law as self protecting and self serving, with an "us verses them" mentality, and I hate that has happened..



I couldnt agree with that part more, well said!

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