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New Screen when searching? Just wondering?


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I've noticed our forums now have the screen saying please wait shortly be patient blah blah blah when you click on any type of search feature. On most all other forums I visit they have this also. Just wondering if there is a specific reason that we switched to this format. I.E. faster load time, less usuage, more searches can be done at once, etc... To me it seems like the times have been delayed maybe .5 seconds nothing big but other than that can't tell a difference between before and after. Just being curious george here. Thanks

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My performance here has suffered greatly since the update... searches take anywhere from 2 seconds to 15 seconds, if not timing out. It has timed out at least 3 or 4 times a day for me in the past week or so. Never had any issues before this, not sure if I am the only one.

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No I am not complaining at all about the speed I am just wondering the technical reason why we switched? Just because? More efficient? etc... I could care less if it takes 1 second or 10 seconds to load a page just as long as I get my hourly hybridz dose:mrgreen: Further more I think dan has done a great job of keeping this site up and running. It is rarely down and usually only when he is tweaking things. Thanks for your hard work Dan.

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lol, nor was I complaining... more just a little shocked, this site has been the most reliable of any that I frequent, I have come to take its features for granted, along with its performance. Thank be to Dan, I would be lost without my fix, lol.

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Chill' date=' im not jumping you.

There is a problem and I have been working on it so my question to everyone is, any better now?[/quote']


Sorry you're right bad day and I misread what you wrote. I didn't even realize there was a problem. But it does seem back to normal. Thanks again for your hard work.

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