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Need your opinion on Ebay Seller


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I am looking to buy an engine for my daily driver that spun a rod bearing and so far this guy has the best deal but his rating seems a little too staged for me. What disturbs me especially is if you click through some of his recent sales a set of corvette shocks shows up quite a bit. Am I being too paranoid?



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I dont see anything wrong with his feedback, I mean 2 negatives in one year.


He has a feed back score of 1748, what is there to think about seems to me from reading hes good to deal with.


I could see if he had like 2 in the last month and only a score of 20.


As far as the sale of the same item maybe he distributes or has a lot of them, I dont see the same name coming up over and over again.


Also his id hasnt changed at all in 4 years.


I think you just might be a lil paranoid.

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