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Frt. tire hits frame rail- Grind?

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After the Mustang power steering went in on my 280Z, the frt. Rt. tire hits the frame rail when you turn hard right. The body shop guy said to just grind the flat flange where the tire rubs, so it doesn't rub. I'd rather put on a clamp or stop on the steering rack to limit travel. The rim is OEM 280ZX and the tire is a little taller, but didn't hit before the power steering was on.




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I really doubt the tire is hitting the frame rail. More likely it's hitting the TC rod. Terry has pics of his stops that bolt on to the TC rod area here: http://www.fototime.com/ftweb/bin/ft.dll/detailfs?userid={7DC317B0-8EDB-4B2E-A837-F708D07C9769}&ndx=14&slideshow=0&AlbumId={17E71651-3EF8-4704-9954-22956DF10FCB}&GroupId={3B8751D4-D564-4405-8017-F14E1CDA9AF0}&screenheight=768

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From the bare metal on the frame rail, I can verify that the crazy rubbing/scrubbing sound from the left-front tire, when turning full right, is from the tire rubbing. I think that stopper might help tho. I could get it on without taking the steering boots off. Should it be strong enough against power steering?



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  • 2 months later...

To get my car over registration i had to put a stop on the rack - this involved installing a thin radiator clam onto the rack to stop it hitting full lock,


The reason i wanted to stop the rack hitting full lock was because the tyres were rubbing on the chassis rails,


Intially i was using 235-45-17 tyres, i switch to 215-45-17 tyres and this solved them rubbing on the passenger side, but the driver's side still rubbed,


When i asked my engineer about this he said it was a stupid test and its not required in NSW (Different state to where i live - next door neighbour) the reason he said its a stupid test is because you will never get the car at full lock when the car is air-born (ie....when there is no contact on the ground for your wheels/tyres), i dont quite understand this explanation,


But i had to get it passed the Rego folks, so i put this stop on, makes it a tad difficult if you want to do some tight parking, i removed it the second i left registration

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I think I misunderstood the problem when I looked at this back in March. The problem seems to be that the Mustang rack moves farther than the Z rack. The answer is limiters on the rack, or limiters on the steer knuckles, so that the tires can't turn that much.


Here is a pic of Terry's fix, which uses the aluminum to limit the movement of the steer knuckle: detailfs?userid={7DC317B0-8EDB-4B2E-A837-F708D07C9769}&ndx=13&slideshow=0&AlbumId={17E71651-3EF8-4704-9954-22956DF10FCB}&GroupId={3B8751D4-D564-4405-8017-F14E1CDA9AF0}&screenheight=768

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