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I am ready to buy a megasquirt system but all the codes and numbers and GM sensors......??????? I'm looking on e-bay for one but I can not figure out what I need?

will this work?


or this?


I know that I want to control everything for my turbo motor. I'm pretty sure I want MSnS

can I just buy say a 2.2 or 3.0 and program it for what I need, boost-spark. Please help me out.

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The first listing you posted currently at 51$ is a great deal, im sure it will go for more but anyway. The relay board, wiring harness are both very nice to have because it makes the install much easier, with less running to the store to get random wires, connectors, or relays. The flyback board allows you to run your stock injectors, or 370's by your sig. without resistors. The software is already MSnSExtra which is nice. All you would need is a 4prong gm HEI(20$ at any auto store), and a open element air temp sensor (http://www.diyautotune.com/catalog/open-element-sensor-with-connector-p-116.html)


The second listing has no relay board so you would need to use new relays or some of your existing ones (i used two new ones and my existing fuel pump relay), and build some kind of fuse block, try your local auto parts store. But it does have the wiring harness, i think, and he said it has the resistors so again you can run your 370 injectors no prob. With this kit also you need the gm 4 prong hei and open element air temp sensor.

You will need a laptop and a wideband o2, a wideband is $$$ but there is really no way around it. I am using a lc1 from diyautotune i got for 150. http://www.diyautotune.com/catalog/innovate-digital-wideband-controller-p-42.html

Read moblys sticky four or five times, and if you dont understand a part read it again. I cant say how much help that sticky is, with the sticky and a external M.S. wiring http://www.megamanual.com/ms2/V3assemble.htm#ew (close to the end of the page) you have all the info you need to install and run MSnS.

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Read moblys sticky four or five times, and if you dont understand a part read it again.


I get questions all the time, by PM, phone, work email, instant messenger and 90% of the time the answer was in the sticky. I think its the "I don't need the manual" thing. But if you ask I will point out where it is in the sticky, becasue sometimes its hard to find one piece.


The sticky is very old and really needs to be updated with MSnS_Extra information and v3.0 board specifics. I haven't built a v3.0 board yet, I keep using v2.2.

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I bid $233 and it went for $255...... I'll be right back I gotta get another beer:evil: maby I should buy one and put it together?:( I'm going to keep looking, I will have MSnS, and a holset, and my P90 head on, and, and, and, and.......

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When you get a labeled kit, like the ones from diyautotune, megasquirt really isnt that hard to put together. Waxahachie TX, that by any chance in north texas...if its close enough i would help with the install, i live just south of okc.

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Mario did a write up on both the diyautotune and the glens garage kit a while back, if you search im sure you can find it. Pretty sure the verdict was that glens garage was nicer by just a hair, but you have to wait longer to get the kit where diyautotune has more in stock.

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