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Anyone running MSnSe on V3 w/ 280zxt optical CAS?


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If no one else is running this, I am surprised we even have a Megasquirt forum.


I agree, can we just do away with the forum, everyone says its useless, everyone whines if they don't get a concise technical answer and everyone wants answers pronto. Diyautotune already keeps an install guide for z car.

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Wow man, ok. Thanks for making my already pretty miserable day that much worse.


I would think this combo would be the most common setup on this forum, and if no one can answer my yes or no question, I am surprised we have enough people to justify it, that's all. I appreciate all your help and your effort in the past, if that offends you, I'll never ask another question here again.


I've spent about 6 hours looking for any information on what the new V3 hardware is expecting as input to this newly added circuit. I guess I'm too stupid to run it.


Hopefully a truck will pull out in front of me on the way home and solve this and all the rest of my problems for me.

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He's just giving a mellodramatic answer to a mellodramatic question. "i'm surprised we even have a forum" is a stupid thing to say. what you're asking for is not a "yes" or a "no", you're looking for a "yes". what the hell good would it do you to see 300 people say "i am not running that setup"?


all you need is 1 yes.


I tried running my optical cas on ms pcb v 2.2 and it didn't work for one reason or another, i gave up after a lot of pita and i went to a cherry hall effect sensor. happy hunting. optical sensors aren't the most popular around here because they're a pain.

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badjuju, I think you missed my point, but you are right, it was stupid to make any comment that might be taken as derogatory (I honestly didn't mean it that way, but I was very stupid not to see how it would be taken.) So, I apologize, especially to Moby, who has helped all of us out over and over.


I was just frustrated about a million things, and I wasn't thinking.


Sorry guys.


Besides the details of my personal life, which I would hate to burden anyone else with, I'm having a lot of problems with this upgrade and my work area, and my tools, and just about everything else I can think of. My v3 board is not responding at all now, I can't load code onto my friends board, my voltmeter died while I was trying to troubleshoot, and I can't find the spare processors I bought to try and fix my old v2.2 boards.


I guess it's time for a break or time for a drink.

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I guess it's time for a break or time for a drink.


Take a break and things will clear up. Read Zen and the Art of Motorcycle Maintenance if your bored, it gives a person a new outlook on why we are working on vehicles to start with. Avoid the "gumption" traps where you lose all your drive, ambition, focus. Or beer will help just as good :cheers:


We all have to vent, now lets get your car running.

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Hey forrest no prob man, i made a comment a couple weeks ago that i really regretted, made a joke that no one thought it was very funny.


anyways, here's an uplifting thought:


the more of a bitch your car is to get running, the better it'll feel when it's done. I hope so anyways, that's what i'm counting on for my project.

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I am currently running a V3 board using a stock 82 280ZXT distributor. I followed the information in this writeup to wire the distributor and the car runs pretty good: http://www.diyautotune.com/tech_articles/how_to_megasquirt_your_280zx_turbo.htm


I am also running the 29q2 code plus high impedence 460cc injectors and other items of interest.

If you need anymore information drop me a line and I will see what I can do.



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I am running v3 with the q2 code and running ignition through a E1280, using a 280ZXT distributor. wired it like the wiring diagram on the DIY site. I've probably put close to 3K on it and it performs flawlessly. I got 25mpg pulling a trailer at about 75 to 80mph on a 1800 mile cross country trip.


I think my ignition module took a dump tho. wont rev over 4K. did the same thing with a completely stock 1980 EFI set up and the ignition module crapped out, limiting revs to 4k.


I already burned out my VB921 running too much duty cycle, so I think Im just going to go with the HEI module option.


anyone ever figure out what dwell/duty cycle settings I should have been using with the VB921 directly controlling 1 coil with the 83 CAS dizzy??

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Thanks for the responses guys, it's much appreciated. The most confusing part of the V3 hardware for me is all the "MS-II only sections" that seem like they are probably applicable to V3 w/ MSnS-E as well. But it's hard to sort out.


Right now I'm totally mystified as to why I can't load code on any of the v3 boards I have access to. 2 other guys in the Z club have built V3 boards and although they appear to respond just fine (on the stim) with the pre-loaded code, we can't load MSnS-e 29q2 (or anything else) on any of them. My board is just dead, I can't remember if I even loaded code on it after I built it. One of the other boards gives the proper "Boot>" menu on the serial connection, but after loading code has an error message, and after restarting without the boot jumper, won't respond to Megatune225. The other one just won't respond to the serial connection at all, you get no "Boot>" response. (With or without the boot jumper.)


I must be missing something obvious here, I guess I'll spend another couple of hours searching the msefi boards.

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There are ways I believe to mess up the processor eprom (like BIOS on a PC) so that you can never load or communicate again unless you put the processor in a programming station and redo the basic eprom file. Worst case I guess you could ask Bowling and Grippo if you can mail back the processor itself and have them verify/reprogram it again? It hasn't happened to me yet so I am not 100% sure, but if you lost power during the middle of code update??

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