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Chewie's 240z worklog

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This is the money pit ...err 240z that I bought a couple of months ago, It hasn't moved since. I have but one goal at the moment and that is to be driving this car before the end of summer. I would like the go to one of the local Z club meets with my Z. Between classes, work, and tinkering with this car I never have much time to type so I'll let the pics speak for themselves, mostly. I'll try to answer questions in a timely manner, comments, questions, etc... greedily accepted.





Can you believe this hood came from a Michigan Junkyard?



Blasted and repainted rims, week of 6-12-06



Rebuilt Fuel Pump 6-19-06



Rebuilt front carb 6-25-06




Blasted intake manifolds 6-26-06



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Would you rather have me post multiple threads all over the forum about random stuff or have me put all my rants in one place. If you dont want to read the worklogs then dont, simple as that.


I dont know when I'll be doing the camo but I have the orange and black from the rims left over in mass quantities. Need to pickup some white though, and set a scheme of course.

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Well, when we try to sell our Z's (yeah... right) We'll be able to show our work fully and will be able to actually prove the asking price...


Helps with resale and for new-comers... especially when the log gets further along ;)


Nice, can not wait to see some more!!!

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Acctually they are going to get painted. I cant stand excessive amounts of chrome and shiny things. If it wont catch your eye with its form then it being shiny is just cheating. Plus, I've got an idea that should make it look really cool under the hood.


I'm using flat tops because I cant get round tops in my neck of the woods without paying an arm and a leg. I payed $100 at the junkyard for everything from the head out, should work just fine until the switch to FI.

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