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Douche bag part deux....


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So as you may have read in this previous post, the guy I work with is a real tool. We have yet another situation on our hands with him at work, he put a turbo kit on my service writers 350Z and it "blew up" 3 hours later. Its not totally blown up, it does run but its got a horrible engine knock.


So last night my service writer and I were talking. He told me that Brian thinks its upper engine noise and that it can be fixed. He said its probably a stuck lifer or a broken valve spring. So I asked he what he was doing when it "broke". He said he wasn't beating on it too bad or over revving it. His valve springs are safe to 7000 RP MS and the rev limiter is set at 6600. So it didn't float a valve. The engine was not making any noise when it left the shop, so I really doubt its a lifter that just all of a sudden got "stuck".


I then told him(my service writer) to start it up so I could listen to it. As soon as I heard it running I said "sure sounds like rod knock to me." He's like nooooo, Brian said its from the top end. I'm like I really don't think so but its hard to say with out having it on the lift and listening to it from the bottom. So he asks me if I'll come in early and take a look at it and I say sure I'll come in a half an hour early and take a peek at it.


So I show up a half an hour early today and rack the car up on my hoist. I start it up and raise it up on the hoist, sure does sound like its coming from the bottom end. So then I take the bottom oil pan off and guess what I find.......bearing pieces! The only place in that engine that theres bearings is the rods and mains! The cams are machined right into the heads so its not from those. Well after Brian came over and looked at when he got there he said "no I don't think thats bearings, it looks like it came from the top of the engine somewhere." Then we found another piece that at the time we didn't know what it was.


So all day the big fiasco was "who's going to put the new engine in this thing?" I told my service writer I would be happy to do it but you better clear it with Brian because I'm sure he'll get pissed off if I fix it. So he asked Brian and he said he would do it. It was not a big deal to me, I didn't care if I did it or not.


So the end of the day rolls around and I'm trying to figure out what this other piece is thats in the oil pan and the it hits me.....its an oiler for the bottom of one of the pistons! That's when Brian came over and said "oh what now your fixing it!?" I said "ah no I'm just trying to figure out what this other pieces is" and he goes "oh well your not going to find the problem down here, its from the top half of the motor" and I go "I really don't think so, that piece is a piston oiler" and then he just proceeds to turn around and walk away!


Then I came to find out that the PCM was not programmed the cams that he had in there. He had it programmed for the stock cams. I asked why he didn't have it programmed for the cams that he had in there but he didn't think it was a big deal. Well I said if the cams that you had in there really "woke the engine up like you say they did then I'm sure you were getting more air in there." I then asked if he used a wide band to verify the A/F ratio and he said no but the PCM was programmed for 11:1. I said "yeah for stock cams." He said "well Brian watched the 02 sensors with the scanner and they were alright." I said "thats great but those 02 sensors aren't wide band 02 sensors and don't really tell you crap about your wide open throttle A/F ratio." I think what happen was he was running too lean and it was detonating and cause at least one rod bearing to fail. It's the only thing that I can think that happen. From what I can tell the kit was installed right but he should have either taken it to a dyno right away to get the A/F checked or let me bring my wide band in and check it with him. I don't really care what Brian thinks, he should have told him that! I mean Brian does have a subscription to "Super Tuner" so he's obviously a professional "super tuner"!:lol:


I am going to really piss him off tomorrow when I bet him that its not from the top half of the engine! If he's so sure that its a cam journal piece then he should put his money where his mouth is!






PS if you read the first post you know that Brian is getting canned soon. Today he got his frist warning about being late, having a bad attitude towards everyone and everything, and having waaaaaay to many serious "comebacks"!:cheers:

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P/I ratios = Patience / Intelligence ratios

The more intelligent you are , the less patience it requires me to have to be around you...

The less intelligent you are, the more patience it requires me to have to be arounds you...

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To further that equation.

I ≥ I = P < i

In my experience the greater the intelligence of an individual the greater their patience with others of greater than or equal to intelligence but said patience is also less than when faced with a lower intelligence. Hence when:

I + i = P < i = I ≤ i

In other words the resulting lack of patience with the lesser intelligent (i) bring the greater intelligent (I) to appear less than or equal to intelligence.


Confusing but suffice it say loosing your patience with a moron just makes you look like a moron too.

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He didn't say anything about the motor today so I just kept my mouth closed.


Today he told me that the most voltage drop allowed in circuit is 1/4 mV! Yeah that's right only .025V across all those wires, switches, and relays! I said ah no you mean .2V for every connector or relay. He looks at me like I'm a complete moron and then I said Nissan said that for the circuit I'm checking, 1.0V is the max voltage drop(starter circuit) at the starter. I usually don't respond to any of his "great insight about how to fix a car" but he asked for it today and I pretty much shut him up with that one. He tried to back pedal out it but it was no luck, he still sounded like a moron! LOL


And when I try to correct him nicely he just shoots me this stupid face and walks away! How are you ever going to learn from others if you don't stop to listen? I sure have learned a lot from the guys I used to work with over at Dodge! I never told people they were straight up wrong, but I did question things at times to try to understand what they were saying.




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